Causes of acne on face at 30 years old

Girls are acutely aware of skin problems during adolescence and worry about how others will perceive them because of this. The only thing that consoles in such situations is the belief that very soon the teenage rashes will leave the young face and then you can forget about the problem forever. What a disappointment it can be when a woman suddenly develops acne at the age of 30. Experts say that the causes of acne can be different, and although this does not make it any easier, it is by knowing them that you can find a way to effectively combat it.

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✔Is acne possible at 30 years old?

The idea that acne at 30 cannot be wrong. Much to the regret of many girls, and often boys, this problem arises not only in the process of age-related changes in the body. In fact, the body is susceptible to many negative influences from both the external and internal world. And, as a result, with their prolonged action, acne appears after 30 years.

There is no need to panic, and there is no point. It is better to spend your energy on treating acne and identifying the causes that caused it. Having found out why acne appears, you should also begin to eliminate this factor. Otherwise, the treatment will not bring the expected effect.

✔Main reasons

Having acne after 30 is not normal. Therefore, they should be fought. However, often the fight should not be about cosmetic attacks, but about eliminating the factors that caused the problem. Before treatment, you need to find out why rashes appeared after thirty. There are endogenous and exogenous causes of acne in women 30 years of age and older.

Endogenous factors that cause acne in women after 30 include internal changes and fluctuations in the body, the result of which is reflected in inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin. This group includes the following factors:

  1. Hormonal imbalance at 30, increased levels of male hormones.
  2. Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, breastfeeding, after an abortion.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels due to taking medications and birth control pills.
  4. Malfunction of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries,
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems,
  6. Infections and inflammatory processes.

The appearance of acne in women after 35 years of age is often associated with external causes, among which are the following:

  1. Constant stress, fatigue, lack of sleep,
  2. Insufficient number of walks in the fresh air, dirty air in the area of ​​residence,
  3. Having bad habits, smoking, frequent alcohol consumption,
  4. Lack of a healthy diet, eating food poor in vitamins and proteins, rich in carbohydrates and fats,
  5. Poor hygiene, improper skin care,
  6. Using low quality, expired, and unsuitable cosmetics for your own skin.

Usually, at the age of 30, acne appears due to several factors at once. Even if the degree of influence of each of them is not critical, then in the aggregate the result is literally obvious.

✔Effects of stress

At 35 years old, a young woman is torn between household chores, childcare, and work. In the crazy rhythm of her life, stress often arises, which can trigger the appearance of skin rashes. During a strong shock, a powerful release of adrenaline occurs, blood flow to the skin increases, and the overall temperature rises. These aspects provoke the opening of clogged pores, into which bacteria enter and fuel the inflammatory process.

When the woman’s condition normalizes and she gains peace of mind, acne after 35 years can go away on its own.

✔Hormonal fluctuations

Most often, acne appears at thirty because of these changes. Hormones and changes in their quantity can provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands, releasing excessive amounts of fat, which will linger on the skin. Acne can also appear as a result of taking hormonal contraceptives. Acne cannot be eliminated by squeezing. You can try to stop taking the drug, but it is best to consult a doctor immediately.


Modern cosmetics are considered relatively safe for female beauty. But many bottles and tubes contain components that clog pores. In particular, harmful components in cosmetics that you should be wary of are:

  1. Lanolin,
  2. Mineral oils,
  3. Isopropyl myristate.

To prevent acne from appearing in women at the age of 30, you should carefully read the ingredients on the package before making a purchase. And also, at the age of 35, you need to understand that expired cosmetics should be thrown into the trash, even if the tube is still almost full.

✔Localization of rashes in women

The places where pimples appear say a lot. This feature must be taken into account when acne treatment is prescribed.

✔Rashes on the face

Acne appears on the face mainly due to the use of poor cosmetics, irregular cleansing and makeup removal, and improper skin care. Pimples on the forehead indicate hormonal imbalances, on the cheeks - about digestive problems.

✔On the sternum

In this place, acne appears at 30 for reasons of hygiene, nutrition, and bad habits. Stress and unnecessary worries can also provoke their occurrence.

✔On the buttocks

This area is damaged when using synthetic underwear, limiting the skin's ability to “breathe”.

✔In an intimate place

Mainly in the bikini area, the presence of acne at 30 may be associated with insufficient hygiene, as well as with the occurrence of infectious or sexually transmitted diseases. If identified, you can wipe it with lotion or cleanser. But the best thing is to immediately go to the gynecologist.

✔How to treat acne

Acne in a 30-year-old woman should be treated following the recommendations of a doctor. External agents with salicylic or glycolic acid, retinol are predominantly prescribed; antibiotics are used less frequently. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out or tear apart acne.

Folk beauty secrets suggest wiping your face every day with a slice of lemon. Every beauty can test the effectiveness of the method - it will not cost much, but perhaps will give a greater effect than expensive tonics and lotions.

Are you 30 years old and have acne? Advice from our dermatologist on acne treatment and prevention

Hello dear readers. Are you 30 years old or older and suddenly have acne on your face? Want to know why this happened? Acne at 30 can appear not only in women, but also in men.

After reading this article, you will learn the main reasons for the appearance of a rash in an adult, and also learn how to deal with this problem.

The highly effective Tritin lotion will help you overcome rashes at any age. I recommend applying it directly to inflammation before bed. Already in the morning you will notice that your pimples have disappeared or become almost invisible.

Want to try the unique Tritin lotion? You can buy it on this website.

A rash in adolescence is normal, but at 30 years old it is a reason to seriously think about and take care of your health. If such a problem appeared in adulthood, I recommend undergoing a full medical examination, which will help determine what exactly caused you to have the rash. There may be several reasons.

Causes of acne at 30 years old

Blackheads and acne on the face and body in adulthood can appear due to:

  1. stressful situations;
  2. menstrual irregularities (in women);
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. taking oral contraceptive medications;
  5. skin injury and infection;
  6. pregnancy;
  7. allergies to cosmetics and care products.

In especially rare cases, the following factors may cause a rash in a person aged 30:

  1. taking narcotic drugs;
  2. reaction to food;
  3. exposure to UV rays (sunlight).

Now let's take a closer look at the reasons for the appearance of a rash at the age of 30 and later.

Stressful situations

Stress can be of different types - chronic or sudden. By the way, the second option has a stronger effect on the skin, while the first option does not cause the rash to go away longer. Under the influence of stress, the upper epidermal layer becomes thinner and microdestructions appear on it.

Inflammations form at the site of these destructions. If the cause of a rash at the age of 30 is stress, then such pimples will go away on their own after you put your nervous system in order.

Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalance can be triggered by pregnancy or a sudden refusal of oral contraceptives (or it can be the other way around: starting to take birth control pills). In addition, hormonal imbalance in women can occur due to instability of the menstrual cycle.

If your rash appears due to hormonal reasons, then consult a gynecologist who will help normalize hormonal levels. After that it will pass quickly and without a trace.

Cosmetics and care products

Incorrectly selected cosmetics and care products can cause allergies in the form of acne in both women and men. The main causative agents of allergies due to cosmetics are commodogenic substances, which are sometimes present in their composition.

Many countries have already banned the production of cosmetics with commodogenic ingredients.

The most dangerous substance for our skin is isopropyl myristate. Remember this and do not purchase cosmetics that contain it.


Some medications have side effects such as acne and acne. Unfortunately, the manufacturer very rarely indicates such a side effect in the instructions, as it does not consider it significant. Acne can be caused by medications from the following groups:

  1. corticosteroids;
  2. testosterone;
  3. anabolic steroids.

How to treat pimples that appeared at age 30?

First of all, I recommend identifying the true cause of acne and eliminating it. Perhaps this alone will be enough for the rash to go away. Overall, treating acne as an adult is not an easy task.

Most pharmaceutical drugs against dermatological defects are intended for youthful problem or oily skin.

As a rule, at the age of 30, a person’s dermis becomes normal or combined. The selection of effective treatment often has to be done by trial and error.

I can recommend several of the most effective remedies that will help you get rid of skin rashes. Such means include:

Lotions and creams containing retinol. This substance has a positive effect on the epidermis in people 30 years of age and older. It not only eliminates acne, but also smoothes out microwrinkles.

Products with acids: glycolic and salicylic. Such drugs are effective and, most importantly, quickly remove rashes of any complexity. It is recommended to apply them pointwise. In addition, a targeted effect on pimples can be achieved using preparations containing benzoyl.

Cleansing preparations: gels and scrubs. In your 30s, try to use the gentlest cleansers possible. Granular abrasives that are too harsh can irritate the skin, further inflaming it.

Hardware procedures. Today, there are a lot of hardware procedures for problem skin. They have a high price, which is the main disadvantage, but they always have a positive effect on the dermis.

Using hardware procedures you can get the fastest and most noticeable effect.

Antibiotics. As mentioned earlier, overcoming acne in your 30s is not as easy as it was in your teens. Therefore, sometimes it is not possible to do without antibiotics. The most effective antibiotics against rashes are clindamycin (applied externally), tetracycline (oral) and the like.

Antibiotic treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. In most cases, combining such medications with others is strictly not recommended.

Preventing acne at age 30

If you do not want to get acne after 30 years, I recommend following the rules listed below:

  1. do not squeeze inflammation, especially at this age, since the regeneration of the dermis after 30 years slows down significantly (after squeezing, instead of a pimple, you will get a scar);
  2. do not use oil-based skincare products that clog pores;
  3. take care of the epidermis correctly - do not wash your face with too hot water, use special preparations for washing instead of aggressive regular soap.

This concludes the article. Now you know what can cause acne to appear in your late teens. I hope this problem does not affect you. If acne has already appeared, don't panic! There are no hopeless situations.

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Author of the article: Elena Smirnova (dermatologist)

Publication date: 30-03-2016

Acne on the face of a 30-year-old woman, what could be the reasons?

Acne on the face can occur for a variety of reasons. Just as in adolescence, a woman can experience hormonal changes in her thirties (now they can be associated with postpartum stress or, conversely, with the fact that the body simply “cannot wait” to reproduce). As you know, at this age the peak of female sexuality occurs, and if it is not satisfied, a rash may appear.

However, this reason cannot be considered the main one. If comedones occur more often in spring and autumn, they may be caused by an exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as gastritis. Problems with the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, intestines, and thyroid gland often manifest themselves on the skin, because it is the demonstration screen of our body. Watch yourself: if acne appears after eating spicy, sour, fatty, sweet or fried foods, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Another cause of skin problems is simple improper care. Insufficient cleansing, low-quality or expired cosmetics, abuse of fatty creams or oils guarantee clogging of pores and further inflammation. Determine exactly your skin type, select the appropriate products and do not neglect hygiene. You may need advice from a professional cosmetologist.

The next reason is allergic reactions. For cosmetics, food, medicine, washing powder left in the fabric of pillowcases or towels - whatever.

Unhealthy lifestyle - the body is poisoned by toxins and gets rid of them through the largest excretory organ of the body - the skin. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't eat junk food, get out of the city more often.

Mite. If you go to a dermatologist (and you should), most likely the first thing he will do is get you tested for mites. Although it sounds scary, this problem is quite common, it’s just that this parasite is completely invisible.

Stress. I also include lack of rest, vegetating in front of a computer monitor, recent illnesses, nervous and mental stress. The body does not have the strength to maintain the skin in ideal condition - it is busy with more important things: it does not allow the heart to shut down, the brain to go crazy, and so on.

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Last summer, such a misfortune practically tormented me; to solve the problem, I re-read all the information. The cause of acne at age 30 was also important.

At first I thought the acne appeared because of sweets (I have a sweet tooth), but when I stopped eating all sweets, the problem did not go away.

But perhaps in your situation, acne may be caused by excessive consumption of sweets, try not to eat sweet foods, because acne can be caused by sweets.

Another suspected reason is hormonal changes in the body. Perhaps a hormonal imbalance contributed to the appearance of acne.

The reason may also be due to problems of the gastrointestinal tract. try to establish proper nutrition and treat the gastrointestinal tract.

Acne can often appear due to stressful situations.

I personally didn’t find the cause, but I carefully took care of my face and managed to eliminate the problem.

The cause of persistent acne on the face, and possibly on the back too, is the herpes virus. It is believed that there are 8 varieties of it. This virus is present in the body of approximately 95% of the population because it is transmitted very easily. And its manifestations depend on immunity. Good diagnosticians who give directions for the necessary tests and prescribe the necessary pills are very rare. Most “specialists” will, at best, help somewhat hide the investigation, but will not change the situation itself for the better. Moreover, some will charge you a decent amount for this. But real treatment is also not cheap. But you won’t be able to cope with this yourself if the process has already begun. Visiting exotic countries can also contribute to the development of the disease.

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I got acne after I stopped taking birth control pills. Moreover, they did not appear immediately, but after about 3-4 months. I went to a cosmetologist, who prescribed me mechanical facial cleansing, brewer's yeast, vitamins with prebiotics and professional cosmetics La Roche Pose Efaklar. after a month everything went away, the skin evened out, the result became especially noticeable after mechanical cleansing of the face.

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Acne on the face in women: causes of unpleasant rashes at different ages

Since ancient times, women have been tormented by the question of the causes of acne on the face. A clean face with smooth skin is a mirror of a person’s external and internal harmony, which can be both a source of real beauty and a cause of internal complexes.

Acne in many cases becomes an indirect indicator of puberty in teenage girls. Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of acne on the face; During puberty, the work of the sebaceous glands intensifies, which causes blockage of the ducts, the secondary attachment of bacteria and subsequently inflammatory processes in and on the skin.

By the age of 20, these problems disappear without a trace, but they can also migrate into adulthood (at 30 years and older). The causes of the hated acne on the skin of the face in women can be: premenstrual changes, pregnancy, postpartum and menopause.

• Various disorders in the organs and systems of the body in adults (after 30 years): diseases of the ovaries, ENT organs, endocrine system, dysbacteriosis and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the body is filled with poisonous substances - toxins, and, accordingly, this manifests itself in the form of rashes on the skin not only of the face, but also of the collar area.

• Improper diet, excessive consumption of high-fat foods, alcoholic and tonic drinks.

• Constant stressful situations, lack of sleep and overwork of women.

• The effect on the female body of harmful environmental factors - air pollution, high temperature, excessive humidity in combination with incorrectly selected clothing (especially if it is made of synthetic materials).

• Multicellular infectious parasites that live under the skin.

• Congenital enhancement of the function of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

According to the results of observations of medical scientists, the occurrence of acne in a specific place also indicates corresponding problems of the body: inflamed lesions and acne, concentrated in the lower part of the face and on the chin, indicate problems in the field of gynecology, acne in the forehead and nose indicate congenital increased secretion of glands.

Painful internal pimples, including deep ones, especially if they occur throughout the body and often, force you to pay attention to the body’s immune system; frequent colds also testify in favor of such a disorder.

Naturally, the presence of acne on the face and body does not provide grounds for an accurate diagnosis of the disease, but it does indicate possible problems in organs and systems.

It's not just teenagers and young women who suffer from disfiguring acne. This is also observed in women aged 40 and even older. And the reasons for the appearance of acne in adulthood are:

1. Incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics. Skin pores become clogged and quickly become inflamed due to pollution. In this case, white pimples or pustules are observed.

2. Self-removal (plucking) of facial hair or removing it with wax can cause painful small pimples to appear after a few days, as new hairs emerge in the wrong direction and cause inflammation.

3. Prolonged contact with the skin of the cheeks (for example, a telephone receiver), plus the addition of pathogenic bacteria, causes the appearance of white pimples.

4. According to gynecologists, rashes occur more intensely in the premenstrual period, when hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body.

Skin breakouts are not uncommon in adults, but cosmetic brands are more likely to advertise acne treatments for teenagers. Youth cosmetics are practically useless in the fight against age-related acne. Let's figure out how to get rid of acne on the face after 30 years.

What affects the skin: nutrition, health, care

Don't rush to overload your skin with acne products. Perhaps you yourself provoke their appearance.

Poor nutrition

Rashes can appear due to excessive consumption of fast carbohydrates, that is, foods high in sugar. They increase the amount of glucose in the blood, and the body produces insulin to reduce it. As a side effect: the sebaceous glands begin to work faster. As a result, the pores do not have time to cleanse, which is why acne appears.

Comedogenic skin care cosmetics

Cosmetics may contain ingredients that clog pores. Manufacturers sometimes label products for problem skin “non-comedogenic” or “non-acnegenic”, but this only indicates a reduction in the likelihood of acne; no one can guarantee their complete absence.

If you have breakouts, check your makeup bag and get rid of products with comedogenic ingredients. Look for triglycerides, myristates and palmitates, petrolatum, paraffin, mineral oil. Various vegetable oils can also clog pores.

Mistakes in cleansing your skin

Rashes can appear due to insufficient cleansing of the skin. The remains of decorative cosmetics clog the pores, and then acne forms on the face.

Excessive cleansing can also cause problems. If you overdo it with scrubs and peels, the skin will be forced to defend itself. As a result, the work of the sebaceous glands is enhanced.

Treating the skin: home remedies for acne after 30 years

Retinoids for acne on the face after 30 years

Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that speed up the process of exfoliation of dead skin cells and reduce the secretion of sebaceous glands. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the number of bacteria that cause acne.

External agents are used to treat mild to moderate acne. For severe cystic acne, medications are prescribed in tablet form. To choose the appropriate option, consult a dermatologist.

Retinoid medications may include:

  1. Adapalene - a synthetic analogue of retinoic acid. Prevents the formation of comedones and lumps on the face, normalizes the processes of keratinization and cell death, and suppresses inflammation.
  2. Tretinoin slows down the work of the sebaceous glands and stimulates skin regeneration.
  3. Isotretinoin suppresses excessive activity of the sebaceous glands and microbial enzymes, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

According to studies, monotherapy with retinoids can reduce the number of acne and inflammation by up to 71%. If you use them in complex therapy under the guidance of an experienced doctor, the results can certainly be improved.

What is important to know about the use of retinoids

At first, the use of retinoids is accompanied by irritation; the skin needs to get used to it. Getting used to it can take from several months to six months. Besides:

  1. When using retinoids, do not ignore dosage recommendations. These are very powerful substances, excessive zeal will lead to increased skin sensitivity.
  2. Retinoids should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  3. After using products with retinoids, you should not sunbathe or go to a solarium, they increase the skin's sensitivity to solar radiation.

Products with acids for acne after 30 years

To treat acne, products based on salicylic, azelaic, alpha-lipoic and glycolic acid are used.

Salicylic acid destroys bacteria that cause acne, dries out already formed inflammations and fights post-acne spots. You should not use products with an acid content of more than 2%, as there is a risk of getting burned.

Azelaic acid prevents clogging of pores, stops the proliferation of bacteria, accelerates the exfoliation of dead cells, and fights inflammation. It has anti-androgenic properties, helps with the formation of acne due to increased testosterone levels.

Watch the amount of azelaic acid in the composition so as not to get hooked by marketers. The component is effective in treating acne only in high concentrations. Buy products in which the manufacturer indicates at least 10% azelaic acid. Serums, creams and lotions with lower acid content are suitable for daily care and prevention of acne formation

Glycolic acid fights acne, blackheads, large pores, blemishes, scars and acne lumps. It is used in salon procedures for light and deep peeling. The effect of the acid depends on the concentration; it is determined by the cosmetologist based on the condition of the skin.

Acne products with benzoyl peroxide

When it comes into contact with the skin, this component decomposes into benzoic acid and oxygen. The bacteria that cause acne die in an oxygen environment. Benzoyl peroxide suppresses inflammatory processes, breaks down sebaceous plugs, and cleanses pores of excess sebum.

It is used as monotherapy for minor rashes, as well as in complex therapy for the treatment of moderate and severe acne. Benzoyl peroxide actively affects bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Also, drugs based on it are prescribed to prevent relapses, since the skin in most cases tolerates the effects of the component well.

Looking for balance: hormonal treatment of acne after 30 years

The sebaceous glands can produce a lot of sebum due to hormonal imbalance. Rashes appear due to increased production of male sex hormones, as well as adrenal and thyroid hormones.

In some women after 25 years, pimples appear 2-7 days before the start of menstruation. During this period, the body produces progesterone, which also affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

If the problem is an increased level of sex hormones, then combined oral contraceptives (COCs), which have an antiandrogenic effect, are prescribed for the treatment of age-related acne

Treatment of hormonal acne is a long process; a course of taking COCs usually lasts from 6 months to a year.

To determine the hormonal nature of acne, you need:

  1. blood test for the concentration of androgenic hormones in the blood;
  2. a urine steroid profile to assess how much hormone is being excreted from the body;
  3. if necessary, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

You cannot choose COCs against acne on your own, as they are selected taking into account age and health status. The prescription is prescribed by a gynecologist, a dermatologist can only recommend these drugs

Stop, bacteria: antibacterial therapy against age-related acne

The use of antibacterial drugs is heavy artillery. Antibiotics for external use are usually used in combination with other treatments as an enhancing factor.

Tablets are prescribed for moderate to severe acne, when other treatment methods have not helped, or for individual intolerance to benzoyl peroxide, acids and retinoids.

Erythromycin, chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol), metronidazole and clindamycin are most often used to treat acne. They are added to the compositions of creams, gels, lotions and ointments.

You cannot prescribe antibiotics yourself, since the active substance must be selected individually. Also, you will not be able to choose the desired dosage or concentration yourself and determine the duration of use of a particular product.

Thus, too long exposure of the skin to an antibiotic can lead to irritation, and stopping treatment prematurely will reduce the susceptibility of bacteria to therapy. As a result, the problem will arise again, and antibiotic treatment may no longer be effective.

In the case of age-related acne, antibiotics are usually the last resort. There is evidence that they are ineffective in this matter: 82% of women are insensitive to treatment with systemic and local antibiotics when treating acne at 25-40 years of age.

Pay attention to health, not just external flaws

Acne in adulthood is often an external manifestation of problems within the body. If your skin has not been problematic before, we recommend that you do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist. A dermatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or gynecologist will help identify the causes of acne on the face after 30 years. It is not necessary to contact everyone at once; start with a dermatologist, and if necessary, he will redirect you to other specialists.

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