When is the best time to cleanse your face?

After winter, when the face suffered from wind and frost, summer comes with its negative factors: high temperature, dust and active ultraviolet radiation. At this time, the skin of the face especially needs cleansing. But is it possible to do facial cleansing in the summer? And if so, what should it be?

Facial cleansing in summer

Is it possible to have your face cleaned by a cosmetologist in the summer?

We are not talking about a scrub or gommage, but about a real salon facial cleansing. In summer, the sun affects the skin quite aggressively, and almost any professional cleaning makes it more sensitive and vulnerable to ultraviolet rays.

Therefore, many cosmetologists do not recommend deep cleansing at this time of year.

The skin performs, first of all, a protective function. During the hot season, the sebaceous glands are actively involved in their work, the pores are forgotten not only by the remnants of cosmetics, but also by dust. As a result, the cosmetics used (nourishing or moisturizing creams and masks) will not bring practical effect. When regular home scrubbing or peeling is not enough, there is a need for professional cleaning from a cosmetologist. It is possible and even necessary to carry out such a procedure in the summer, after first obtaining consultation from a specialist and familiarizing yourself with all the contraindications.

Is it possible to do facial cleansing in summer?

What kind of facial cleansing can you do in summer?

In cosmetology, there are three main types of professional facial cleansing:

Manual or mechanical cleansing is recommended for oily and combination skin with significant problems, such as blackheads, blackheads, comedones, enlarged pores. It deeply cleanses the skin, but at the same time injures it. After this procedure, bruises and small bruises may appear on the face. It is better to carry it out in autumn and spring, when there are no sudden changes in temperature.

Chemical peeling is the application of organic acids to the skin to smooth out the relief of the epidermis and is suitable for any skin type. It acts like a burn to the top layer of skin. The best time for chemical peeling is autumn and winter.

In summer, only superficial gentle cleaning is allowed before the procedure. no sunbathing for 2 weeks. After the procedure, it is contraindicated to be in the sun and it is recommended to wear a wide-brimmed hat.

Hardware cleaning is the most gentle and painless. Among salon procedures during the hot season, ultrasonic facial cleansing is ideal in the summer. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, the top layer of skin is exfoliated, dead cells are removed and pores are cleansed. After the procedure, skin tone is evened out and complexion improves.

When is the best time to cleanse your face?

When can you do deep cleaning with a device?

Hardware facial cleansing includes: laser, galvanic, vacuum, ultrasonic.

Only galvanic cleanses the deep layers of the skin. An alkaline solution is applied to the skin of the face, then the pores open under the influence of weak electrical impulses. When interacting with fatty acids, alkali is formed into soap and brought to the surface along with existing pore contaminants. When is it better to do facial cleansing from the above? It should be carried out in the autumn-winter period, so as not to re-clog the pores with dust and not to injure the skin from the aggressive sun. Accordingly, aggressive types of facial cleansing are best done from late autumn to mid-winter.

What affects the effectiveness of cleaning

The effect of exfoliation depends on a variety of factors. When deciding when is the best time to cleanse your face, you should always take into account the characteristics of your own body. Assess the condition of your skin, listen to your body. This way you can understand when you can do facial cleansing and whether you need it at all.

If exfoliation is necessary, consider what day of the week to make an appointment at the salon. This may sound a little strange, but the effectiveness of the procedure also depends on this.

Peeling is best done before the weekend. After all, the skin will recover for at least a day. And she needs to be given this time. By the beginning of the work week, she will have “rested” as much as possible, and you will be able to calmly go about your daily activities.

When deciding when to peel, you should also consider:

  1. season;
  2. monthly cycle.


It is better to exfoliate your facial skin in the spring. In winter, it is negatively affected by wind and frost. This cleansing allows you to renew the skin, helps it “breathe,” and helps improve metabolic processes and blood circulation.

The most suitable time is March. At the beginning of spring, the sun does not shine very strongly yet, so the aggressive effect on the skin after peeling will be minimal.

If you want to opt for dry cleaning, it is better to schedule it for the winter season. Ultraviolet rays will have virtually no effect on the skin.

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in whether it is possible to exfoliate in the summer. During this period, UV radiation is especially strong, and professional cleaning increases the vulnerability of the skin. Therefore, many experts do not recommend such peelings.

However, it is still permissible to carry them out at this time of year. True, you will have to take into account all the recommendations of the cosmetologist and take intensive care of your face.

Monthly cycle

Before menstruation, the skin becomes more sensitive. The level of its protection from negative external influences is significantly reduced. Experts advise exfoliating after your period or at least 5 days before it.

If this is not possible, carry it out, but taking into account some recommendations:

  1. Watch your blood pressure. If it is very high, hematomas may occur.
  2. If there is even minimal inflammation on the face during menstruation, exfoliation should be abandoned.
  3. It is not recommended to opt for chemical or mechanical types of cleaning. Vacuum peeling can be performed. Ultrasonic and laser effects are also allowed.

The best option for menstruation is to use a professional mask. It cleanses the face well and is very gentle.


Exfoliation should not be performed during an exacerbation of any chronic disease. It is also prohibited in the presence of cracks, scratches, wounds, and skin lesions of an infectious and inflammatory nature. Mechanical cleaning cannot be carried out with rosacea.

During pregnancy and lactation, peeling is possible, but not all treatment options are allowed. To find out which methods are suitable for you, you need to consult a cosmetologist and your doctor.


How often are cleansing procedures allowed? Homemade scrubs are recommended to be used once every 7 days if the skin is prone to extreme dryness. Twice a week – for oily skin.

With salon treatments, everything is different. The following restrictions can be identified:

  1. If the skin is thin and dry, deep exfoliation in the salon is allowed no more than once every 6 months.
  2. If you have increased greasiness, you can visit a specialist monthly. But only if the impact is mild. With rather rough peeling, the procedure is performed less frequently. The best option is once every 3 months.

Regardless of the chosen cleaning method, you need to take into account the recommendations of a specialist. However, if the cosmetologist says that you need to visit him for aggressive exfoliation every month, you should contact another salon.

Preparing the skin for vacation

When planning to go on vacation to the southern regions of Russia or to warm countries, you need to first think about whether it is worth doing peeling in a salon. It all depends on the type of cleaning.

Due to seawater and sun exposure, the skin will not recover well from aggressive exfoliation. For this reason, serious cleaning is not carried out until rest.

Before traveling, you can only do ultrasonic peeling. However, it is recommended to carry out this procedure not a few days before the holiday, but at least 2 weeks before it.

Mechanical (manual) cleaning

This type of peeling is effective, but quite painful. Mechanical exfoliation is carried out manually.

Before the procedure, you need to steam and cleanse the skin. If it is characterized by increased sensitivity and dryness, additional preparation will be required using a special gel. Then the master treats the face and applies a soothing and tightening mask to it.

Mechanical impact is suitable for people who are not satisfied with excessive greasiness. It is also indicated for acne.

Since the skin remains swollen and red for 1-2 days after such a procedure, it should not be performed before any important event. It is better to do this peeling no more than once every 1.5 months. If your skin is very problematic, you can do it more often.

Mechanical cleaning should not be overused. The recommended maximum is once a month.

Hardware peeling

This type involves cleansing the skin using current, massaging, ultrasound, and vacuum devices. Hardware peeling does not damage it (unlike mechanical peeling) and does not cause swelling and redness.

There are no allergic reactions after such procedures. They allow you to cope with inflammation, get rid of sebaceous plugs and impurities.

Specialists use various devices. Thus, every woman has the opportunity to choose an option that is ideal for her case.

Ultrasonic cleaning is recommended to be done no more than once a season. As for the vacuum effect, cosmetologists advise the same. To achieve better results after laser cleaning, you need to repeat it - from 2 to 8 times.

You should take breaks between visits to the salon. It usually takes a month for the skin to “rest” after laser exposure.

It is better to carry out hardware cleaning either in spring or autumn. During these periods, ultraviolet radiation is not as harmful as in the summer, and the cold is not yet as strong as in winter.

Let's summarize

Today there are many ways to exfoliate dead skin cells. Each of them has certain features that you should learn about before visiting the salon. To do this, you can read reviews of women who have already undergone the procedures you are interested in, and watch relevant videos.

If you don’t figure out when it’s absolutely forbidden to peel your face, you may not only fail to improve the condition of the skin, but also seriously damage it. To avoid unnecessary risks, you should first consult with a specialist. He will tell you what time of year is best to do the facial peel you have chosen and give useful recommendations for skin care.

The effect of cleansing procedures depends not only on the method of their implementation, but also on other factors. For example, the time of year, the condition of the skin. In any case, cleaning is not done if a woman needs to “go out into the world” in a few hours or even a day. Such issues should be addressed in advance.

Indications for use

The ultimate goal of this procedure is to give the skin a more attractive appearance, improve its condition, activate blood flow and metabolic processes occurring in the subcutaneous fat, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The final result of cleansing directly depends on the method used, but some time after the procedures, many women note that:

  1. the skin has become healthier, its color has changed for the better;
  2. increased elasticity and firmness;
  3. pores have decreased in size;
  4. pimples, comedones and other defects are partially or completely eliminated.

If a cosmetologist recommended that a woman “get clean,” then he has every reason to make such a recommendation. It could be:

  1. Withering of the skin, deterioration of its color and appearance.
  2. Enlarged pores.
  3. Presence of pimples, acne.
  4. Poor turgor, “lifelessness” of the skin.
  5. The appearance of wrinkles.
  6. Increased greasiness of the skin.

What influences the success of cleaning

Each female body has its own characteristics; decisions regarding facial cleansing cannot be made spontaneously. When planning to visit a cosmetologist, you need to think about which day to sign up for; it’s better to do this before the weekend. So the ideal day is Friday.

In winter, you should refuse to cleanse, because in the cold the skin needs good protection, even if it is “armor” from dead epidermal cells. And the increased work of the sebaceous glands during the winter cold will only benefit the skin. The optimal month is March, because: the frosts are not severe, the sun is not active.