Vaccine Esterized

Esterized vaccine

An esterified vaccine (**vaccine aerosatum** or **VA**) is a liquid or powder vaccine that contains molecules associated with aero-carriers (also known as aero-matrices) that are delivered to the body after inhalation. VAs have become popular in recent years due to their effectiveness and relative safety to use. This type of vaccine contains dead virus particles packaged in a frame that delivers it to your body, much like a bacterial or viral vaccine.

Advantages of using aero-vaccines

AERO VACCINES have many advantages over traditional vaccines. One of the most important is their low reactogenicity. This means they cause fewer side effects in patients than traditional vaccines. With traditional vaccines, there can be a severe reaction to the injection, often including pain and redness at the injection site. These side effects may cause discomfort and may even cause serious consequences for some people.

The use of AERO-VACCINE minimizes such reactions. Because these vaccines are administered through the breath, you are able to avoid most common side effects from vaccination.

In addition, AERO VACCINES are easier to inject. Most traditional vaccines require the use of needles to be injected into people, whereas AERO VACCINES can be used without a needle. Such innovative methods increase the accessibility and ease of vaccination several times.