Vaginal Cycle

The vaginal cycle is a phenomenon that occurs in women during menstruation and can have a significant impact on their health. Since ancient times, women have experienced menorrhagia, periodic bleeding associated with changes in estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle. Many cultures offer their own rites and rituals associated with menstruation to reduce a woman's suffering. In the modern world, the study of this topic and the development of drugs aimed at regulating the menstrual cycle in women continue.

The concept of “vaginal cycle” was coined by gynecologist Tanya van de Laan in 2015. Van de Laan coined the term "Cycle of the Vagina" to describe the common practice of women using a set of tools to help keep the vaginal area clean during menstruation. The terms "cyclone manipulation" and "clitoral cuff" have become very popular among women due to their supposed soothing effects. However, studies have shown that these devices do not reduce the pain and discomfort that accompany menstrual cycles.

Van de Laan defines "cyclic manual maitpejment" as "the use of specific techniques and tools in direction and other tools that are used only during each menstrual cycle" (the name and I tried to be precise in the translation). Van de Lan explains the need for this concept because so many women try to avoid situations where they are left without support. Due to this lack of advice and assistance from specialists, these women find themselves in the minority and, as a result, have problems that require treatment.