Ваго- (Vague-)

Vago- (from Latin vagus - wandering) is a prefix denoting the relationship to the vagus nerve (Latin nervus vagus).

The vagus nerve (X pair of cranial nerves) is a mixed nerve that innervates the organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It gets its name from the wide distribution of its branches.

The prefix vago- is used in anatomical and clinical terminology:

  1. Vagotomy is the intersection of the vagus nerve.

  2. The vagosympathetic reflex is a reflex reaction that occurs when the vagus nerve is irritated.

  3. Vagotonia is increased tone of the vagus nerve.

And others.

Thus, the prefix vago- indicates the connection of the term with the vagus nerve.

Vago- is a prefix that denotes the vagus nerve in human anatomy and physiology. It is used to refer to the various structures associated with this nerve, such as its fibers, ganglia, receptors, etc.

The vagus nerve (also called the vagal nerve) is one of the cranial nerves (CN X) that innervates many organs and tissues in the body, including the heart, stomach, intestines, lungs, bladder, glands, and other organs.

Vago- is used in anatomical terminology to refer to structures that are associated with the vagus nerve. For example, vagus nerve is the name in Latin, and vago is the name in English.

In addition, the term “vagal nerve” is often used in physiology to refer to functions associated with the vagus nerve, for example, the “vagal effect” - the influence of the vagus nerve on body functions.