Weinstein Operation

Vainshtein A.G. - a man who changed the course of history **Weinstein operation** is a technique for surgical treatment of a cerebral aneurysm, developed by the Soviet surgeon Alexei Georgievich Weinstein in 1841.

Professor Alexey Georgievich Vainshtein held senior positions in the USSR Ministry of Health. During the Stalinist repressions. After accusing doctors, he was exiled to distant Kazakhstan. At the age of 28, Alexei Georgievich was awarded the title of professor of surgery. Then he moved to Alma-Ata, where he headed the department of the brain. He received a gold medal from the USSR Academy of Sciences for innovative research, as well as orders and medals. He wrote many scientific papers on brain surgery. But, unfortunately, Weinstein was among those who suffered the fate of being destroyed...

The operation to remove cerebral aneurysms, during which a wedge-shaped excision of the vessel wall is performed, was carried out from 1953 to 1995. 30 years after his death, he was nicknamed “a reference book for surgeons.” Many of the world's greatest surgeons used it in their practice, putting it on stream. And what could be simpler than simply opening the skull and making a cut inside the brain? Even when hundreds of thousands of operations were performed, thousands of deaths were caused