Leptospirosis Vaccine Concentrated Inactivated Liquid

Concentrated inactivated liquid leptospirosis vaccine is intended for the prevention of leptospirosis in cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses and dogs.

Produced in Russia by the Rostov Research Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology. Available in the form of a suspension for subcutaneous administration in a dose of 0.5 ml.

The active principle of the vaccine is inactivated antigens of Leptospira pathogenic for humans and animals of 6 serological groups. The vaccine ensures the formation of immunity against leptospirosis in vaccinated animals.

Due to its high immunogenicity, the vaccine induces intense immunity that lasts for 12 months.

The vaccine is administered to animals subcutaneously, after shaking the bottle. The vaccination course consists of 2 injections with an interval of 14-30 days. Revaccination is carried out once a year.

The vaccine is well tolerated by animals and provides reliable protection against leptospirosis if the vaccination schedule is followed.