
Validol is a drug that has a calming effect on the central nervous system and a vasodilator effect.

Action. Validol has a calming effect on the central nervous system and also dilates blood vessels.

Indications. Validol is used for angina pectoris, neuroses, hysteria, and also to prevent seasickness due to its antiemetic effect.

Directions for use and dosage. 4-6 drops of validol are applied to a piece of sugar and kept in the mouth until completely absorbed. Tablets or capsules are also kept in the mouth until dissolved. A single dose for adults is 1-2 capsules (0.1 g), a daily dose is 2-4 capsules (0.2 g).

Side effects. Minor side effects such as mild nausea, watery eyes and dizziness may occur.

Release form. Available in the form of drops, as well as in the form of tablets of 0.06 g and capsules of 0.05 and 0.1 g.

Validol: composition, release forms, indications for use and side effects

Validol is a drug widely used as an antianginal drug, as well as for the treatment of neuroses, hysteria and an antiemetic for seasickness. Validol contains menthol and menthol isovalerate, which have an antispasmodic and sedative effect.

Release forms of Validol include tablets, capsules, liquid and substance of various dosages. Certain dosage forms, such as sublingual and sublingual tablets, are faster-acting than oral tablets.

Indications for the use of Validol include the treatment of angina pectoris, neuroses, hysteria and seasickness. Validol can also be used to reduce chest pain and relieve stress and anxiety.

When taking Validol, some side effects are possible, such as mild nausea, lacrimation, dizziness. However, these effects usually go away quickly without any treatment.

There are no contraindications to the use of Validol. However, before starting to take Validol, you should consult with your doctor to exclude the possibility of unwanted interactions with other medications or the presence of any contraindications.

The interaction of Validol with other drugs is not known, however, before using Validol, you should consult your doctor.

An overdose of Validol has not been described, however, if any undesirable effects occur, you should immediately seek medical help.

In general, Validol is an effective and safe medicine for the treatment of sore throat, neuroses and motion sickness. However, before starting to take Validol, you should consult with your doctor to exclude the possibility of unwanted interactions with other medications or the presence of any contraindications.