
Valvulitis is a medical condition in which scar tissue forms in the area of ​​the heart or lungs. This can be caused by a variety of reasons, including injury, infection, vascular disease, and other conditions.

Valvulot can lead to serious complications such as heart failure, pulmonary failure, and even death. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and treat this condition promptly.

One of the treatment methods for valvulitis is surgery. The operation can be performed through a small incision in the skin or through a puncture in the chest. During surgery, the doctor removes scar tissue and replaces it with healthy tissue.

In addition to surgery, other treatment methods such as medication, physical therapy and lifestyle changes may also be used. For example, stopping smoking and drinking alcohol can reduce the risk of developing valvulitis.

In general, valvulitis is a serious disease that requires timely treatment. If you suspect you have this condition, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Valvulot is a medical term that refers to a pathology of the larynx characterized by impaired mobility of the epiglottis - a fold of transverse cartilage that blocks the entrance to the larynx and protects it from foreign bodies and liquids when a person swallows. The problem was first brought to the attention of the US military during the Vietnam War. Then some military personnel became infected with an infectious disease, which was accompanied by paralysis of the muscles of the mouth and throat. Scientists tried for a long time to determine the nature of the pathology until they found out that the cause was damage to the epiglottis.

Mostly, supraglottic injuries occur in people who participate in extreme sports or are at risk of suffocation in accidents or attacks. This disease can be caused by mechanical damage to tissues, exposure to chemicals, allergies, infections, etc. When the nervous system of the larynx is damaged, respiratory function is impaired, which causes oxygen starvation. This may result in fainting, even