Baths Coniferous

Pine Baths: Water with Pine Extract for Health and Relaxation

Pine baths are a procedure in which water filled with pine needle extract dissolved in it is used for relaxation and health promotion. This procedure has a long history in many countries around the world and is popular due to its many benefits.

One of the main components of a pine bath is pine needle extract. Pine baths can be made from different types of needles, including spruce, pine and cedar. The needles contain many useful substances, such as vitamins, microelements and antioxidants, which makes it a valuable component for health and beauty.

When performing a pine bath, pine needle extract dissolved in water penetrates the skin and has a positive effect on the body. This is due to the fact that pine extract has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue and stress.

In addition, pine baths are an excellent way to strengthen the immune system. During the procedure, the level of white blood cells in the body increases, which helps fight infections and restore strength.

Pine baths also help improve skin condition. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, pine extract helps combat various skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. In addition, pine baths help moisturize the skin and improve its color, giving it a healthy and fresh look.

Coniferous baths are also considered an effective remedy for combating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis and rheumatism. They can also help relieve muscle tension and pain.

In general, pine baths are a great way to relax, improve health and improve skin condition. They can be carried out both at home and in specialized beauty salons and sanatoriums. But before starting the procedure, you need to consult a doctor to avoid possible contraindications.

Coniferous baths

Coniferous baths are baths in which the acting medium is water with pine needle extract dissolved in it.

Coniferous baths have healing properties due to biologically active substances contained in the needles of coniferous trees. The main active components of pine extract are essential oils, resins and vitamin C.

Taking pine baths has a restorative, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect. It is recommended to take such baths for colds, to increase immunity, and to improve skin condition.

To prepare a pine bath, use pine, spruce, and fir needles. The needles are poured with hot water and infused for several hours. The resulting infusion is added to bath water. The water temperature should be comfortable, about 37-38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment with pine baths is usually 8-12 procedures.