Sage baths

Sage baths are baths in which the acting medium is water with clary sage condensate added to it.

Sage has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, hemostatic and soothing effects. Therefore, baths with sage are recommended for various inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, to improve blood circulation, as well as for stress and fatigue.

Sage condensate added to water helps relieve inflammation, reduce pain, normalize sleep, and improve mood. Such baths have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, providing a calming and relaxing effect.

A course of sage baths is recommended to take 8-12 procedures. The water temperature should be comfortable, about 37-38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. After the bath, you should rest in a warm place for about an hour. These baths are best taken before bed to improve the quality of your night's rest.

Thus, sage baths have a multifaceted healing effect and are recommended for various ailments and for prevention. They can be used both in complex therapy of diseases and simply for relaxation and recuperation.

Sage baths

Sage is one of the most popular essential oils according to various studies conducted by different scientists. According to statistics, more than 60% of the world's population in some cases use concentrates of this plant to strengthen the body's protective functions and restore it after illness. Also, the smell and taste of sage has a calming and tonic effect on a person. Systematic use of the plant will help prevent many diseases and infections. Everyone who has used sage decoctions and tinctures is convinced that this unique remedy can cure many ailments. With regular use, sage strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on blood circulation. As a result, the general condition of the body improves. Tincture and decoction of sage helps with insomnia. The plant improves memory, relieves stress and fatigue. In addition, healing sage has strong antiseptic properties. Baths of this type are taken for inflammation of the bladder and mammary glands. It is recommended to bathe a child in baths mixed with a decoction of herbs if the baby suffers from stomatitis and colitis. Some patients claim that when washed down with sage, zinc cinctorite is an antibiotic. It has been proven that the plant itself can suppress the development of staphylococci in the body, which is especially important when taking antibiotics. Scientists have proven that regular use of sage baths helps strengthen the heart muscle. Thus, all studies conducted in recent years confirm the positive dynamics on the human body when consuming water decoctions that have a strong healing and healing effect.