Vibrating baths

Vibrating baths are special baths in which water is used as the operating medium, subjected to mechanical vibrations of sound frequency. To create such vibrations, special vibrators are installed in the bath.

The vibration of water in such baths has a gentle effect on almost all systems and organs of the human body. Oscillations help improve blood and lymph circulation, reduce pain, relax muscles, reduce swelling and inflammation.

The operating principle of vibrating baths is based on the phenomenon of cavitation, which occurs when the liquid oscillates. Microbubbles formed in water, bursting, have a micromassage effect on the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

Vibrating baths are used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. They are prescribed for treatment and rehabilitation for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, as well as in the complex treatment of cellulite and for figure modeling.

Today, vibration baths are a favorite way of relaxation, rejuvenation and recuperation. The name “vibro-” comes from the fact that external vibrations are transmitted from the body through water to the body. How does all this happen?

Vibration is rhythmic shocks, thereby starting a unique process of massaging and dispersing blood, lymph and muscle tissue. Due to this, the body is saturated with oxygen, nutrition, cleansed of harmful substances, rejuvenated and relaxed. Vibrating massage allows you to achieve specific results: defeat stress, restore the nervous system, get rid of insomnia and improve your mood. Moreover, the energy supplied to the body literally transforms it. External vibrations operate on the principle of similarity: in order for the soul to constantly experience joy, vibration within is necessary. We know that this happens when we are sincerely happy, experience love, and surrender to a dream. They will not go away on their own, but you can excite the soul - this is, for example, how music or hypnosis works. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad, the main thing is that you like it, encourage creativity, and change consciousness.

And now more about the principle of operation. There are special vibration devices built inside that generate vibrations of sound frequency of 30-120 Hz. Such vibrations eliminate unnecessary impact on the joints, spine and other parts of the body. Moreover, vibration speeds up metabolism and stimulates the production of collagen - it is this that helps remove the first wrinkles. Everything is as simple as five fingers: the wave travels through a system of communicating vessels and engages all the cells of the body. The vibrations experienced activate the flow of lymph, which cleanses the tissues and lymph nodes. This is what makes the shaking force work on the vibration blood