Evening makeup options for brown eyes

Make-up for the holiday should be special. In the evening, the image of a brown-eyed girl is created much brighter than for daytime. All paints applied must be durable, because it is quite possible that an evening event can last all night, and no one needs such troubles as, for example, running mascara.

Professional makeup artists love to work with brown eyes, explaining that this color is favorable for experimenting with any color range in makeup. The only condition in such experiments is not to get carried away with the brightness of colors, which is absolutely not required by the already naturally expressive look of brown-eyed ladies.

Nuances and rules for creating make-up

Brown color can have different shades and depending on this you should select the tone of the shadows:

  1. for light brown eyes – plum and pink tones;
  2. for brown-green – khaki and emerald;
  3. to yellowish-brown – lilac and violet shades;
  4. dark brown goes with beige, purple, pink and blue tones.

First of all, you need to properly prepare your face. It all starts with cleansing it and applying a matte cream - thus removing the effect of shiny (glossy) skin. The skin around the eyes should also be treated in a certain way.

Any flaw can be hidden through the use of a corrector. In this way, you can disguise wrinkles, even out the relief, and hide circles under the eyes. Make-up will last longer if a foundation, such as a matte foundation, is applied to the eyelids.

When the skin on your face is smooth and clean, it’s time to apply eye shadow. It is clear that what color of shadows for brown eyes you choose is an important matter, and the entire final look of the evening will largely depend on this. make-up. Choosing the right shadows in this case is not so easy, because a lot must be taken into account - what shade are the brown eyes, what color is the girl’s hair, what is her skin color type:

  1. if a girl has brown eyes and light-colored curls, makeup artists recommend giving preference to beige, dark pink, green and sand tones;
  2. brown-eyed dark-skinned girl It is best to use brown-olive paints;
  3. fair-skinned, brown-eyed ladies you should use greenish and blue tones;
  4. brown-eyed girl with dark hair as shadows it is best to use black, brown, soft pink, chocolate and silver tones, although fuchsia is also suitable in color;
  5. dark eyes always decorate with purple, beige and blue shadows;
  6. yellowish-brown color purple and lilac tones are emphasized;
  7. light brown look good with pink and plum shades;
  8. for green-brown Emerald shadows and khaki colors will be harmonious;
  9. look of brown eyes will become more expressive with brown, gold and silver colors, and with lilac and blue colors it will become more attractive and vibrant.

What tone the mascara will be is also very important. The classic option is when the choice falls on black mascara - it is ideal for brunettes, but a fair-haired girl with brown eyes will look better with brown mascara. If a brown-eyed woman uses blue mascara for makeup, her look will become especially bright. In any case, you should not forget that your mascara for the evening must be moisture-resistant, otherwise you will have to touch up your makeup every now and then.

Don't forget about eyebrow shaping. A brown-eyed girl will look much more interesting and well-groomed if they are slightly corrected. For evening makeup, make them in darker colors than you do in everyday life. For this, dark shadows are useful, which are applied to the hairs, and they can be strengthened with a fixative.

It is best to take a sharpened pencil and draw strokes in the direction of hair growth. You should start from the center of the eyebrow and move towards its outer edge. Finally, the strokes should be shaded. You can also use shadows. A natural shade can be achieved by mixing different tones.

There is no brown eye makeup without seductive eyeliner. Feline winged eyeliner and alluring, intriguing oriental makeup seem to be created specifically for brown-eyed beauties.

Armed with all this knowledge, you can move directly to makeup. Here are just some ideas with step-by-step instructions that brown-eyed girls can use to create their evening make-up:

Arabic motifs

This type of makeup is always rich colors and brightness. First, the tone of the face is evened out using a foundation that matches the color type. Then blush is applied to the cheekbones, reminiscent of a fresh summer tan in tone. The peculiarity of this makeup is also long eyebrows, not as usual. You should use pearlescent shadows, although you can experiment with matte ones. A composition of two or three bright shades will look great.

About contrasting shadows in make-up

Girls are fond of makeup with shadows of contrasting colors, no matter what color their eyes are. For brown-eyed people, the best choice will be shades of blue and lilac in the shadows, because they can emphasize their attractiveness, focusing on the expressiveness of brown eyes. If a girl does not like to boldly experiment, she can opt for slightly muted colors - light blue or purple. But for evening makeup, the best choice would be rich indigo and purple.

Evening make-up, based on turquoise, green and blue colors, is also able to decorate girls with brown eyes, and this is easily explained, because everyone understands that the clear blue sky, delicate turquoise of the sea and spring greenery cannot but be combined with the brown tones of the earth cover. Such shades are harmonious in nature, which means they will come in handy for harmonious makeup for a party.

"Metal" shades

Make-up with bronze, gold, steel tone, pink and silver are also suitable for evening makeup for a girl with brown eyes. The warmest in this case will be golden shades.

Pointing arrows

When working on brown eye makeup, makeup artists have great opportunities to think creatively and implement their ideas. This is the case when arrows will come in very handy - they will make a girl’s look clearer and emphasize the shape of her eyes. The arrows are aimed with a pencil or liquid liner. For an evening out, a successful combination would be a make-up with plum eyeliner and pink-violet eyeshadow.

Creating a smoky makeup look

This makeup also harmonizes very well with brown eye color. Feature of this make-up - in the absence of any clear lines. The most optimal basis for it would be light colors on the upper eyelid. Drawing lines along the roots of the eyelashes will emphasize the shape of the eyelids below and above, but the borders should be shaded with black paints using a brush. The edges of the shadows themselves should not be visible - they also need to be shaded.

It is best to use gray or dark violet shadows for this. The main idea is to make the transition from shade to shade as smooth as possible. Light-colored shadows are applied under the eyebrow - this gives the effect of a raised eyebrow and a more open look. Such make-up requires highlighting of eyelashes, so mascara should be applied to them in two or three layers.

Smoky Eyes step by step

This smoky makeup look will decorate a girl of any age. To perform it, you can use a step-by-step scheme for creating makeup with black and purple tones that will decorate any brown-eyed girl:

  1. The face is cleansed and foundation is applied.
  2. Apply thick black shadows to the upper eyelid (movable), the structure of which should be creamy. This structure is easy to shade, and therefore can be done make-up it won't be difficult. In addition, the use of such shadows eliminates the need to use a pencil, because the contour will already be emphasized by the shadows themselves. The line should thicken closer to the outer edge of the eyelid.
  3. Next, take a soft brush and blend the shadows over the entire eyelid.so that the color gradually “fades out”.
  4. We use the same color to line the lower eyelid. Here you will need a thin brush. Here the line tapers slightly towards the bridge of the nose.
  5. Apply a layer of plum-violet eyeshadow on top of the shaded black eyeshadow., they should be shaded over the crease throughout the entire eyelid.
  6. We use a bleached lilac color under the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the eye. This will give your look freshness and your eyes will become more open.
  7. INTake a clean, soft brush and blend out the shadows.
  8. Using black mascara, carefully paint over your eyelashes. Apply one layer first, then a second (on both the lower and upper lashes).
  9. The final stage of this makeup is applying blush to the cheekbones and choosing lipstick. It should be a calm shade, since the emphasis in this makeup is aimed at the expressiveness of the eyes.

To perform such makeup, it is absolutely not necessary to go to the salon to a professional makeup artist; everything can be done at home yourself. The highlight here is the correct selection of shadow colors. They should match the tone of the hair, the iris of the eyes and the girl’s outfit.

So, a blue dress for a brown-eyed girl would be best suited with smoky eyes using golden tones.

Correcting drooping eyelids

This problem usually appears with age, when the skin begins to lose its elasticity. Although it also happens that a young girl has the same problem. This is possible with frequent lack of sleep, rare walks in the fresh air, overwork and an overly busy work schedule.

The impending eyelid makes her whole face look tired and the girl seems much older than she actually is. But in this case, you can help, and for this, makeup artists have their own secrets:

  1. For makeup in this case, you need to use shadows exclusively in matte shades., in this way you can avoid the fact that others will pay attention to the drooping eyelid.
  2. There is no need to give up a slight shimmer under the eyebrow - it will be quite appropriate. It is also important to apply light-colored eyeshadow to the corner inside the eye.
  3. For a make-up in the “smoky eyes” style, the colors should not be too heavy or oversaturated.
  4. When coloring the crease of the eyelid, continue the line beyond the contourso that it appears visually raised.
  5. A brown-eyed girl with drooping eyelids should be careful with eyeliner makeup for evening makeup. It is better to use a pencil rather than eyeliner and be sure to lift the end of the arrow upward.
  6. If it looks harmonious, a woman with drooping eyelids can use gray or brown instead of a black pencil – in some cases, this technique is refreshing and youthful.
  7. If you need to divert attention from the impending eyelid, focus on eyelashes, carefully painting them along their entire length, paying special attention to the outer corner.

In conclusion, a few more tips for brown-eyed girls from makeup artists:

  1. If you are soon going to attend an evening event,practice applying makeup in advance – this way you will literally “get the hang of it” and on the right day you can easily cope with creating the ideal image.
  2. Evening makeup always looks better if you add glitter to it.
  3. If your eyes are located close to the bridge of your nose, then in your makeup try to focus attention on the edges of your eyes, in this case there is no need to paint over the entire eyelid. Bright and dark shadows are applied to the outer edge of the eyelid, and light colors are applied closer to the bridge of the nose.
  4. For the opposite problem with eyes that are too wide apart, the entire eyelid is painted over, and the transitions in shades are the opposite of the first case.
  5. Don't be afraid to experiment. If you like your image, this does not mean that you need to stop there, because it is quite possible that by experimenting, you can achieve an even better result.
  6. When creating an image, do not forget about matching the shade with your skin tone, clothing, and lipstick. The main thing for eye makeup is to emphasize their shape, the length of the eyelashes and a beautiful eyebrow line.
  7. Don't strive for standards. If you took a brown-eyed beauty from a glossy magazine as a model, you shouldn’t strive for 100% similarity, just use some of the techniques from the picture, but create your own image.
  8. Pay attention to lighting, since the same image looks different under different lighting.
  9. Use only high-quality cosmetic products, otherwise, instead of beautiful makeup, you may end up with skin problems.

Those with brown eyes are simply incredibly lucky! After all, evening makeup for brown eyes can be done in almost any shade! To choose the best options, read the advice of reputable experts.

Makeup for brown eyes: general recommendations

  1. Brown eyes are a fertile basis for experimentation. The palette of shades that can be used is much wider than for other eye colors.
  1. Choose a mattifying cream as a foundation, which will relieve the skin of the treacherous oily sheen. Under the light of the lamps, your skin will have a beautiful velvety effect. Apply the foundation to the skin of the eyelids so that the shadows do not fall off. Use a concealer that will even out the skin, fill in fine wrinkles, and disguise blemishes. Then, in the brightest light, your skin will look flawless.

  1. Allow enough time to apply makeup. It’s impossible to hastily apply beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes. In your free time, experiment with different textures and colors to find the one that works best.

How to do makeup based on hair color

Definitely, not all women with brown eyes will suit the same makeup option. First of all, when choosing a color palette, you need to consider your hair color.

  1. Light brown Brown eyes don't suit rich black makeup. It will create a not very pleasant contrast effect. It is better to dye both eyelashes and eyebrows brown rather than black.

  1. Brunettes You can choose thick, rich shades, and eyebrows and eyelashes must be painted black. For dark-haired women with brown eyes, deep black, elegant chocolate, cool silver, warm golden, pink and fuchsia shades are suitable.

  1. Blondes They can safely apply sparkling sand, natural beige, emerald green, and delicate pink shadows.

  1. Brown-haired You need to try evening makeup in green, gold, chocolate, and gray tones. But not in purple!

Makeup based on eye shade

Are there at least two girls in the world who have the same eyes? They are most likely hard to find. The shape and size matter, as well as the shade of brown eyes. Look at your reflection in bright light. What shade are your brown eyes?

  1. Golden brown eyes We recommend shading with the same golden, peach or delicate pink shadows.
  1. For dark brown eyes do makeup not based on purple and blue shadows.
  1. Brown-green eyes emerald green, golden and brown and any shades of khaki will beautifully set off.
  1. The whites of brown eyes have a slightly bluish tint? Then a make-up based on blue or light blue, which smoothly shimmers into golden-walnut tones, can look harmonious.
  1. Light brown eyes Plum and desaturated pink shadows are suitable.

Taking into account the shape of the eyes

  1. For big eyes Makeup artists recommend drawing a wider arrow on the upper eyelid. But it is better to emphasize the lower eyelid with a thin arrow. The use of eyeshadow with glitter is prohibited. Put colored mascara aside, giving preference to classic black.
  1. For small eyes, and besides, planted closely, rich, overly black makeup is not recommended. It will only make the situation worse. To visually enlarge the eyes, it is recommended to apply light pearlescent shadows as a base. Richly painted eyelashes will make your eyes appear larger. Use another secret weapon - a white pencil. Use it to draw the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.

  1. For almond-shaped eyes Experts advise darkening the outer corner of the eye as much as possible. Especially if you naturally have a small eye shape. You can create beautiful contrasting transitions with multi-colored shadows, as in oriental makeup.
  1. For Asian eyes A common problem is the insufficient length and thickness of natural eyelashes. The situation will be corrected by false eyelashes (or hairs). Moreover, they are quite acceptable in evening makeup.

  1. For narrow eyes The ideal makeup would be one in which the outline is drawn with a pencil over the shadows, and not vice versa.
  1. For wide-set eyes draw the outline along the entire length. Apply deep dark shadows to the inner corner, and lighten the outer corner as much as possible.

Evening makeup ideas

Smokey eyes for brown eyes. Smoky smoky eyes will add special charm to your look. It is extremely important to carefully shade all the lines in it. Not only the upper, but also the lower eyelid is emphasized. Lines are drawn in the direction of eyelash growth. The contour must be shaded with black shadows. They fade smoothly into lush violet or sparkling gray. Traditionally, apply light shadows under the eyebrow. Eyelashes are generously covered with mascara in several layers. In the continuation of the article, look for a step-by-step scheme for performing the popular smoky eyes option for brown eyes.

Expressive makeup with arrows. Clear cat-like wings are perfect for brown eyes. Draw them with a pencil or liner. To add a smile and freshness to the look, slightly lift the outer corner up. Experiment, but keep an eye on symmetry.

Oriental makeup. For this variation of evening make-up, 3-4 shades of rich colored pearlescent shadows are used. In oriental makeup, the arrows at the outer corner diverge and go beyond the contour of the eye. The inner corners are carefully drawn with a pencil. Eyebrows stand out clearly.

Bright evening makeup with contrasting shadows. A very bold option! It is based on the use of shadows that sharply contrast with the iris. For brown eyes, these are bright blue, purple and lilac shadows. Bright unexpected shades focus attention on the natural color of the eyes. And the saturation of the shadows is directly proportional to your courage!

Light evening makeup for brown eyes, it involves focusing on one thing: eye shadow or eyeliner. If you choose rich shades of shadows, then make the eye contour thinner. If you decide to generously apply eyelashes, then the shadows should be less intense.

Delicate makeup for brown eyes

It is known that evening makeup is much more intense and brighter than daytime makeup. But it doesn't have to be heavy. Your gentle romantic look can be emphasized by a delicate, elegant make-up in the color of pink champagne, light brown or golden sand tones. This kind of makeup can also serve you as an everyday look.

Warm makeup for brown eyes. Metallic shades look incredibly harmonious with brown eyes. Warm gold, elegant silver, sparkling bronze will soften your look and give you a special charm.

Evening smoky eyes makeup step by step

Smoky makeup is a clear favorite for girls of all ages. We offer you a step-by-step makeup scheme in black and purple tones, which suits almost all brown eyes.

  1. Apply foundation to cleansed face and eyelids.
  1. We cover the upper movable eyelid with thick black shadows with a creamy structure. These shadows are easy to shade and make-up is very easy to do with them. Moreover, the use of a pencil is no longer required, since the dense structure of the shadows will perfectly emphasize the contour. The line should be a little thicker towards the outer corner.
  1. Using a soft brush, blend the shadows over the entire moving eyelid, achieving a gradual “fading” of the color.
  1. Apply the same color along the entire length of the lower eyelid. We do this with a thin brush. The line should be approximately the same width from the inner to the outer corner.
  1. On the upper part of the shaded black color we apply plum-violet, which we shade above the crease of the eyelid along the entire length.
  1. Apply a bleached lilac color under the eyebrow, as well as on the inner corner. This will open your eyes and give you a fresh look. Using a clean soft brush, blend the shadows.
  1. Paint your eyelashes with black mascara. Be sure to use two layers.
  1. Finally, add a little blush and choose a lipstick in a calm, natural shade.

A similar smokey eye, as in the photo, can be easily done at home. The main thing is to correctly determine the color of the shadows, which will be in perfect harmony with the shade of the hair, the iris of the eyes, and also the outfit. For example, under a blue dress, owners of brown eyes are recommended to make a mysterious smoky make-up in golden tones.

Evening eye makeup with drooping eyelids

Drooping eyelids usually appear in older women when the skin becomes less elastic. But recently, young girls have also encountered this phenomenon. This is a clear result of lack of sleep, lack of fresh air and lack of rest, as well as a consequence of a busy work schedule.

A drooping eyelid makes you look tired, can add several years to a girl. But there are several secrets for brown eyes that will help visually correct this problem.

  1. Use only matte shadows so as not to draw the attention of others to your looming eyelid. Light shimmer is appropriate, perhaps, in the areas under the eyebrows. And most importantly, highlight the inner corners of the eyes with light shadows.
  1. For smoky eyes, choose less saturated and heavy shades.
  1. When coloring the crease of the eyelid, you can go beyond the natural contour of the eye to visually lift the upper eyelid.
  1. Don't get carried away with eyeliner makeup. As a last resort, draw them with a pencil, not eyeliner. And be sure to shade it. Raise the top of the arrow slightly.
  1. If possible, women with brown eyes and drooping eyelids are recommended to replace black pencil with brown or gray to look fresh and youthful!
  1. To divert attention from the problem area, shift the focus to the eyelashes. Carefully draw them along the entire length, especially at the outer corner.

We are sure that at the party your brown eyes will shine with confidence, youth and beauty!

Brown-eyed girls have a beautiful, piercing look even without any makeup, but there are situations when evening makeup for brown eyes and step-by-step photos of creating it at home are simply necessary.

But you need to remember that beautiful makeup requires a special approach and some training before an important event.

Brunettes with brown eyes are the luckiest, since their type is considered universal, and therefore they can use almost all methods of applying makeup and any color scheme.

How to choose the right makeup for brown eyes?

Dark eyes have always attracted the attention of others, and correctly selected beautiful makeup can give them additional shine, greater expressiveness, and also refresh the look.

The main thing in this matter is to choose the right color palette and, to make it easier for you, we did it for you. All you have to do is choose the shade you like.

For brown-eyed fashionistas, this palette will suit:

  1. Sand.

You can also use light shades. However, here it is necessary to remember the size and shape of the eyes.

Interesting: Fashionable makeup 2019

Before you start creating a cool evening make-up, you need to prepare your makeup base products in advance: concealer, bronzer, powder, and blush.

Do you want to get really good evening makeup for brown eyes, focusing on step-by-step photos, and also take note of a few tips from professionals:

  1. Dark shades of shadows visually make the eyes smaller, but light shades, on the contrary, make them appear larger.
  2. The main color should be applied to the entire eyelid.
  3. The arrows help to slightly raise the eyelid or lower it.
  4. On the eyes, it is necessary to emphasize white in the inner corner.

As for lipsticks, brown-eyed brunettes can choose something in the brown, red or nude palette.

Evening make-up

Before you start creating light evening makeup for brown eyes, you need to decide on its purpose. After all, the appearance of the make-up changes with the celebration. Of course, you can choose universal options. For example:

Very beautiful evening makeup

With arrows

The simplest (if you get straight and beautiful arrows) and universal option, which is suitable for any appearance. However, we must not forget that the type of event planned affects the color scheme that will be used for evening makeup.

New trend 2019 – double arrows. Makeup artists also recommend checking out a relatively new makeup technique – cat eye, which is perfect for beginners.

Interesting: Makeup tutorials for beginners

Cat eye combines two popular types of makeup - smokey eye and winged eyeliner. Below you can find step-by-step photos of its implementation:

  1. First of all, the base is applied; the champagne looks mesmerizing.
  2. Next comes the middle shade from the middle of the eyelid to the corner, don’t forget to shade it.
  3. The darkest shades from the palette are added to the outer corner; they need to be given a pointed shape, and then carefully shaded.
  4. For a slightly shimmery shadow, add a little shimmer.
  5. The last stage is drawing an arrow along the eyelash growth line.

In the photo you can see several interesting options for such makeup.

This simple technique will help to visually lift the corners of the eyes and slightly enlarge them. Peach or scarlet lipstick will help you finish your makeup.

Banana makeup will also look good with arrows. Just look how beautiful it looks in combination with dark eyes.

Bright make-up

This makeup involves bright eyes, as well as calm, muted lipstick colors.

It is best if the palette contains several shades of the same color. With their help you can create incredibly beautiful makeup. In order for the transition between them to be smooth, you need to use a soft brush.

Eyeliner on the lower eyelid will help complement a bright evening make-up. It can be created by using the darkest shadows that are present in the makeup, and you also need to draw a thin line under the eyes and lightly shade it.

Smoky eyes

This makeup is very popular among modern fashionistas, as it looks very graceful and elegant. Girls with brown eyes can use black, brown, gold or green tones to create a smokey eye.

This makeup looks great with matte red lipsticks.

  1. First of all, the foundation is applied to the entire eyelid. You can choose a peach shade for it. Lightly blend the shadow from the moving part of the eyelid to the stationary part.
  2. A darker shade is applied to the crease and also to the outer corner. To create a smooth transition, you also need to shade it.
  3. Apply the shadows so that the outer corner resembles a shaded arrow. This simple makeup technique will help “reveal” your eyes.
  4. Add the darkest color on top of the applied shade and blend to get a light haze.
  5. Using dark shadows you need to draw a small loop on the outer corner. Make sure that the color does not overlap the previous ones.
  6. Carefully paint the eyelashes.

If you want to create a truly festive look, you can repeat the same technique on the lower eyelid. But remember that the line should be thin to avoid the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

We hope that our step-by-step photos of evening makeup for brown eyes, which are great for brunettes, will help you create this beauty at home without much effort. And in order for the make-up to turn out really good, be sure to practice doing it in advance, and not before the event itself.