Varicotomy (Varicotetu)

Varicotomy is a surgical operation to excise a section of a varicose vein.

Varicose veins (varicose veins) most often occur on the lower extremities and appear as tortuous, knotty, swollen saphenous veins. The cause of varicose veins is disturbances in the system of blood outflow from the veins, leading to stagnation of blood in the veins and their stretching.

Varicotomy is indicated for severe varicose veins, which causes pain, swelling, and trophic changes in the skin. The operation consists of cutting the skin, exposing the varicose vein and excising it. This eliminates blood reflux through the vein and ensures normal blood flow through the deep veins.

Varicotomy is usually performed under local anesthesia. The postoperative period proceeds relatively smoothly, but requires wearing compression stockings to prevent recurrence of varicose veins. In general, varicotomy is an effective treatment for severe varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Varicotomy: an effective solution to the problem of varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common condition that can cause various problems and discomfort in patients. Varicocele, in turn, is a varicose vein of the pampiniform plexus of the spermatic cord, most often developing on the left. This condition can have serious consequences for men, including a decrease in the number of sperm in seminal fluid and the development of infertility.

One of the effective methods of treating varicocele is varicocelectomy - surgical correction of varicocele. However, in some cases, when a varicocele is in an early stage of development or the patient has a medical contraindication to surgery, an alternative procedure - varicotomy or Varicote - may be recommended.

Varicotomy is a method of excision of a section of a varicose vein. It is performed using microinstruments and microsurgical techniques. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, which allows the patient to avoid general anesthesia and its associated risks.

The advantages of varicotomy include a more minimally invasive approach compared to conventional varicocelectomy. The absence of large incisions and stitches promotes faster recovery and reduces the risk of complications after surgery. Varicotomy may also be a more affordable option for patients who are unable or unwilling to undergo a full surgical procedure.

Studies have shown that varicotomy is an effective treatment for varicoceles and can lead to significant improvements in sperm quality and sperm motility in men suffering from oligospermia and varicocele-related infertility.

It should be noted that the choice between varicocelectomy and varicotomy depends on the individual characteristics of each patient, the degree of development of the varicocele and the doctor’s recommendations. It is important to discuss all the options and risks with a healthcare professional so you can make an informed decision about the best treatment option.

In conclusion, varicotomy is an effective alternative to surgical correction of varicocele. This method of excision of a section of varicose vein may be useful for patients who are unable or unwilling to undergo full-scale surgery. It offers a minimally invasive approach, rapid recovery and potential improvement in sperm quality in men with varicoceles. However, before deciding on treatment, you should consult a specialist and consider all the possibilities and risks associated with each method.

Varicotomy (Varicotheto) is a surgical method of correcting varicose veins using special steroids. This intervention is prescribed to reduce trophic edema and hemorrhagic rashes, as well as to effectively restore the elasticity of the walls of damaged vessels. Correcting varicose veins using conservative methods of therapy is quite difficult and not always possible. In advanced forms of varicose veins, surgical correction of the affected vessel is performed. Using special medical equipment, the affected areas are removed and the entire damaged vein is eliminated. The procedure is also indicated for irreversible changes in the main venous vessel and thrombosis.

Methods of performing Varcoteromy Special medical equipment is used to perform the operation. The doctor dissects the skin and makes an incision, forming a kind of V-shaped incision. Using a special “Clip” manipulator, the depth and degree of the cut are adjusted. When cutting soft tissues using the clipectomy method, special clips (clips) are used. When they are applied, the level of curved venous sinuses is freed from the median structures, which allows you to get rid of vascular spasm. But this method is only suitable for veins up to size 8. Scientists and surgeons have been able to figure out when large veins should be removed. These include veins with a thickness of 1 mm. It is impossible to carry out the procedure of excision of damaged veins in such situations, since the result obtained is not effective - removal of intact large vessels excludes the normal functioning of the entire circulatory system. Large veins that cannot be removed are removed using clipping. This method is used for resection of main sections without damaging other vessels. Each section is separately captured with special “clips” and then removed along with the large vessel. The resected veins are placed in special containers, where they are sterilized and stored until