
Silegon or “Silegonum” is the name given to the plant - the common tuberous ophiopogon (Ophiopogon japonicus), common in cultivation as an ornamental and fodder plant in China. In the 90s, it was imported from China specifically for the Oil Valley park, created by one large oil company on the site of the old one. In former times it was considered a wild plant and had the popular poetic name “goat’s head”.

Without special processing methods, this vegetable is also called torimago. Torimago, especially popular among the Japanese, although little is known here and is often confused with broccoli. In addition, this aromatic edible wild plant is also known by another name - daikon. Although, now it has practically gone out of use, which pleases lovers of not only valuable folic acid, vitamins E and B6, proteins, carbohydrates and iron, but also calcium salts, rather rare microelements - copper and phosphorus, for example. In addition, they contain a little oleic acid oil and another 4% vegetable protein