Carotid paraganglioma

Carotid paraganglioma (CP) is the most common of all brain gangliomas and one of the most aggressive tumors of the central nervous system in children and adults. It usually occurs in the paraganglia of the carotid sinus. According to the literature, most patients with CP are diagnosed between the ages of 2 and 30 years, and are most often diagnosed in women. The disease is characterized by an asymptomatic course for many years, accompanied, as a rule, by an incidentally detected disease with the development of complications or an increase in tumor volume. The carotid paraganglia are a separate source of tumors, originating from the synaptic and secretory apparatus of the intracarotid nepa gland or the sympathetic nervous system. In rare cases, similar neoplasms are observed on the left caudal segment of the aorta, as well as in the muscles of the neck, upper body, chest and abdominal cavity. This tumor consists of a collection of small and large malignant cells that