Three Point Contact

Three-point contact is a three-step approach to establishing contact with a potential client. This approach was proposed in the book “Hidden Champions. Top Managers as Successful Entrepreneurs” by Russian businessman and marketer Vladimir Morozov in 2016. He describes how to competently build relationships with clients and partners so that they become long-term and mutually beneficial.

This approach was originally described using a Boeing innovation project from Chief Innovation Engineer George Bonville. This specialist believed that to successfully implement an innovation, it was necessary to carry out the following three steps: identify the needs of potential customers, determine the needs of the company, and create a solution that satisfies both parties.

This approach was called three-point contact because it took into account not only the opinion of one person, but three different audiences. Subsequently, three-point contact began to be used in various fields, such as business, marketing, and the sale of goods and services. In the modern world, the main task of any business is to conquer the market and create long-term relationships with potential clients. To do this, you need to know the client’s needs and offer him what he really needs. Therefore, a three-point contract allows you to increase business efficiency and retain customers.