
A stay suture is a long ligature, usually of surgical suture, that is passed through the tissue and grasped with a clamp to create tension in a specific direction. A stay suture is used by surgeons to facilitate subsequent manipulations during surgery.

The main purpose of a stay suture is to secure and isolate a specific area of ​​tissue or organ to provide better access and visualization during surgery. For example, a stay suture may be placed at the edge of a wound to stretch and hold it open for viewing and access. Or it can be used to tighten and secure a hollow organ, such as the stomach or intestines, to facilitate opening.

The stay suture is applied temporarily and removed upon completion of the necessary manipulations. It allows the surgeon to work on immobile, well-visualized tissue, which greatly facilitates the operation and increases its safety. The stay suture is a simple and effective auxiliary tool widely used in many areas of surgery.

Suture holders are special devices used in surgery to hold tissue in the desired position.

These instruments may come in different shapes, but they all serve the same purpose - to help the surgeon perform the operation safely and effectively. The holder suture is usually used in complex operations such as organ transplantation, removal