Your Baby May Not Be Sick

Based on many years of comparative ontogenetic studies, we came to the conclusion that the unequal life expectancy of different species of mammals is determined by the peculiarities of the development of their skeletal muscles, which in turn are associated with the corresponding environmental conditions. Based on enormous material, a theory of individual development arose, which (as opposed to the energy rule of the surface) was called the energy rule of skeletal muscles, or - even more correctly - the energy rule of motor activity.

The classification of newborns into full-term and premature in terms of weight and body length is incorrect and prevents the correct assessment of the true physiological state of the newborn. Depending on the conditions of intrauterine development, determined by the state of pregnancy in the mother, the newborn’s body is characterized by widely varying features - not only (and not so much) morphology, but physiology.

In accordance with the provisions adopted by the World Health Organization, the newborn period (or neonatal period) is considered the first 28 days of life after birth. According to world statistics, this period accounts for the highest percentage of total mortality among children under one year of age. The first 7 days of life are usually referred to as the perinatal period.

A CHILD WAS BORN - WHAT IS HE LIKE? Let's talk about indicators that can serve to assess the condition of newborns - their physiological maturity or immaturity.
As stated above, a physiologically mature newborn is characterized by highly pronounced signs of FLEXOR MUSCLE HYPERTENSION, which provides the necessary level of heat production. It is combined with an appropriate amount of HEAT TRANSFER - due to the expansion of skin blood vessels (