
Vasculitis is commonly called inflammatory diseases of blood vessels, such as arteries, capillaries and veins, which lead to inflammation of these vascular structures. Vasculitis can develop due to a disorder of the immune system, which leads to an autoimmune response. As a result of this response process, the vessels are affected, leading to various symptoms.

The vascular system is extremely important for the body, as it ensures the delivery of blood to other systems and organs. Due to inflammation, the walls of blood vessels become more fragile, which can lead to disruptions in blood circulation and disruption of organ functioning. Some forms of vasculitis can be quite severe, causing serious complications such as hemorrhage, loss of function, and even death of important organs.

Vasculitis manifests itself in various parts of the body, often causing pain in the muscles and joints. Patients with vasculitis may experience breathing and circulation problems, causing them to require supplemental oxygen. In addition, some patients experience digestive problems, increased heart rate, frequent headaches and increased fatigue.

To diagnose vasculitis, various blood tests are performed, and instrumental studies are also used. After confirming the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed, including various drugs and methods of therapy. These methods include antibacterial drugs, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, and therapeutic interventions may also be used if necessary.

In some cases, especially in the presence of threatening symptoms, hospitalization and further inpatient treatment may be required. Following your doctor's recommendations and regularly monitoring your health are also important aspects of treatment and recovery for patients after a diagnosis of vasculitis.

Vasculitis is a group of chronic vascular diseases, one of the main symptoms of which is inflammation of the walls of blood vessels - arteries, veins and capillaries. Inflammation can be local or diffuse. Although the basis for vasculitis is inflammatory changes in the vascular wall, modern science identifies a large number of vasculitis of different etiologies - processes in which damage to blood vessels and their inflammation are not necessarily interrelated.

In children, vasculitis is the most common connective tissue disease, often affecting the vessels of the skin and rarely affecting the inner lining. It is caused by a strong immune reaction and can manifest itself in different ways. Vasculitis differs from each other in severity and impact on human health.