Vasoconstrictor (Pressor)

A vasoconstrictor (pressor) is a medicine that helps increase blood pressure. It has a vasoconstrictor effect, that is, it causes a narrowing of blood vessels.

Vasoconstrictors are used in the treatment of arterial hypotension, shock, and bleeding. They increase blood pressure by reducing the lumen of blood vessels and, accordingly, the total peripheral resistance of the vascular bed.

Vasoconstrictors include norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, phenylephrine and others. They are prescribed intravenously, administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Thus, vasoconstrictors are an important component of intensive care in the treatment of hemodynamic disorders and maintenance of adequate blood pressure.

A vasoconstrictor, also known as Pressor, is a medication that is used to increase blood pressure. It belongs to the class of vasoconstrictors, that is, agents that narrow blood vessels.

Pressor can be used in a variety of medical situations, including the treatment of hypotension (low blood pressure), shock, heart failure, and other conditions that require increased blood pressure to maintain normal blood flow.

The action of Pressor is based on the constriction of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in vascular resistance and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure. In addition, Pressor can increase the contractile function of the heart, which also helps to increase blood pressure.

Pressor can be represented by various medications, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and others. Each of them has its own characteristics of action and is used depending on the specific medical situation.

However, it should be noted that the use of Pressor may be accompanied by certain side effects, such as an increased risk of arrhythmia, increased vascular resistance in the lungs, and others. Therefore, the use of this product should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician and in strict accordance with its prescription.

In conclusion, Pressor is an important medication that can be used to maintain normal blood pressure in various medical situations. However, its use should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician in order to avoid possible side effects and achieve the best treatment result.

Means for increasing blood pressure

A drug that helps reduce muscle tension in arteries and arterioles. It is used for vascular spasms caused by various reasons: sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, cooling, blood loss, emotional arousal, mental stress, intake of nitrates or bromides. The most widely used is cytisine (not Darin).

Preparation for use

Cytisine is stored in glass jars of 0.3; 0.5 or 1.0 g. The powder is dissolved in at least 30 ml of boiled water and injected subcutaneously in the area of ​​the posterolateral surfaces of the abdominal wall. Diphenhydramine, a second-generation antihistamine that has a sedative effect and lowers blood pressure, should be used only when the pressure rises to 200-220 mm Hg. Art. and a relatively calm patient’s condition in the form of injections of up to 1 ml of a 1% solution intramuscularly or

Vasoconstrictors (Pressor), or vasoconstrictors, are used to quickly increase the blood pressure of a person or animal; they are prescribed for hypotension and shock. This type of drug is used to provide emergency care in cases of emergency, bleeding, surgery, or poisoning with cardiovascular poisons and other substances. When taken orally, the increase in pressure occurs gradually over several hours.

The presser eliminates cerebral vascular spasm, helps stabilize blood pressure during a sharp decrease (hypotension) and rapid heartbeat (tachycardia).

For mild hypotension, tablets can be used to normalize blood pressure to 150/90 in a short period of time. With a significant hypertensive crisis, due to prolonged vasodilation, the pressure rises to a level of 200/130 mm Hg. Art. or higher, which threatens the patient's life. In this case, vasoconstrictor sprays or drops are used to normalize the condition.