
Vegetomyoflist is the occurrence of an inflammatory process due to damage to the muscle and surrounding tissues, popularly called: inflammation in the shoulder joint; shoulder bursitis; myositis; mastalgia; tendinitis (inflammation of tendons); adnioscolitis. And this disease is also called: “Vegetomyosclerosis”. A little history about the disease:

Vegetomyosclerosis is a chronic disease, and in fact a diagnosis and at the same time a diagnosis,

is an inflammation of the connective tissue layer, subfascial muscular layer and their visceral membranes against the background of functional disorders in the system of autonomic nervous structures.

The relevance of the pathology is determined by the high frequency of occurrence, variety of clinical manifestations, unfavorable prognosis, diagnostic difficulties, inadequacy of treatment, tendency to chronicity of the process, and significant impact on the patient’s quality of life [3–5].

Vegetomyofasciitis is often detected in athletes and constitutes a significant part of the causes of the formation of pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system [4].


Both factors of inflammatory damage and microcirculation disorders caused by the formation of blood supply deficiency play a role in the occurrence of the disease. Among the main factors leading to the development of vegetomyosis, acute and chronic loads on certain muscle groups are important, including dynamic or static disorders of muscle activity during the period of remission of the musculoskeletal system, vibration effects as professional,