Vegetosomatic reflex

Vegetesomatic reflex - (r. vegetosum.-kromi-cheski) - complex stem - predominantly segmental reflex of the autonomic nervous system, consisting of two components, caused by closure, stretching or arching of the joints; accompanied by changes in arterial and venous pressure, skin tone and blood vessels of the corresponding limb segment or segmental area of ​​the abdomen; excites one - the tibial nerve and the cervical sympathetic nucleus.

It is customary to distinguish between two components: exteroceptive (N. E. Vvedensky, 1956) and proprioceptive (E. A. Kupersky, N. I. Loskutova, A. I. Roitbak, M. D. Bezrukikh, 1960). With an exteroceptive component, the efferent part of the reflex is the gamma motor neuron, and the afferent part is the leg skin receptor