Vein Laryngeal Cranial

The laryngeal and cranial veins are paired blood vessels that supply blood to the organs of the upper respiratory tract. They play an important role in the normal functioning of the body, as they ensure the supply of oxygen and nutrients to vital organs. Let's take a closer look at what these blood vessels are and what functions they perform.

The venous circulation of the larynx and head is a system of branches v. azygos, which is formed by anastomoses between it and the anterior veins of the chest and neck. Consequently, the arterial and venous systems of the larynx are closely connected with the heart and form parts of a single human circulatory system.

This vessel is characterized by the presence of two curved uncinate processes of the cervical vertebrae, corresponding to the processes of the posterior intervertebral arches, and (or) convex coracoid processes of the thyroid fascia, attached to the superior and inferior tubercles