Vein Thoracic Lateral

Article "Lateral thoracic vein"

The thoracic lateral vein (Pectoral vein, lat. vena thoracalis lateralis, from ancient Greek θωρακάς - chest, ἐπί- [lat. epi-] “over”) is a large vein that collects blood from the lower limb and pelvis and directs it into the right atrium. It has many branches that divide the surface of the upper thigh, buttock, chest, anterior abdominal wall, back and shoulder blades.

Anatomy of the thoracic lateral vein The thoracic vein runs parallel to the outside of the rib cage and runs along the outside of the lateral edge of the pectoralis major muscle. As it passes through the inner part of the iliac fossa, it descends down to the free edge of the body of the fifth psoas muscle and continues to the right side of the body. Right end of the vein