Vein Laryngeal Inferior

The inferior laryngeal vein is one of the most important veins that runs through the neck and throat. It is formed from the confluence of the inferior thyroid vein, superior thyroid vein and jugular vein. In turn, it flows through the inner layers of the throat, tongue and lower part of the larynx, where it drains into the lower veins of the head.

The main functions of the inferior laryngeal veins are:

- Nutrition: It provides blood supply to the inner surface of the throat, neck and larynx. - Breathing: The veins inside the larynx play an important role in breathing as they help deliver oxygen to the tissues of the throat and transfer carbon dioxide to the lungs. - Thermoregulation: This vein maintains body heat through its connections with other veins of the neck and head. It is also involved in the removal of toxins and metabolites, which is an important part of the body's detoxification process.

The venous blood flow in the larynx also supplies the immune system, which can protect the body from disease and infection. This occurs due to the fact that the veins in the throat become a place for the localization of “dead cells” that can