Marshall's Vienna

Introduction: Marshall's vein is a species of mosquito belonging to the Anopheles family. These insects are carriers of dangerous diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and Rift Valley fever. Even though these diseases are considered obsolete, thousands of people still die from them every year. Therefore, the study of Marshall's veins is important for understanding their life cycle and the mechanism of transmission of infections.

General description: - The specific name "Marshall's Vienna" was given in honor of the English traveler James Marshall. It was first described in 1852 by Hans Gompel. This mosquito is small, about 5-6 mm in size. The body color is brown and the head is black. There are rough spots on the abdomen. Insects of this species have long legs with semi-strong claws, allowing them to cling to walls and ceilings. The forewings of males have a characteristic pattern of