Hymen spongy

The hymen is a tissue that protects a girl’s genitals from penetration by male genitals. It is located around the entrance to the vagina and consists of many elastic folds. When a girl has not been sexually active, the virgin pleura is very thick and dense, but when she becomes sexually active for the first time, it can be damaged when attempting intercourse.

One way the hymen can be damaged is by stretching its elastic folds during sexual intercourse, for example, during insertion of the penis. In this case, slight bleeding may occur, usually unnoticed by the girl, and the damage to the hymen itself may be delayed over time. Often a girl experiences severe pain during sexual intercourse, this is due to the fact that now the vaginal walls no longer have additional protection and can become irritated when exposed to male genitalia. Usually the edges of the hymen resemble well-stretched thin strips of smooth skin, very often they are dotted with many folds.

However, there are cases when the pleura has additional structure and is spongy. In this case, it is denser, has a spongy appearance and is well defined. If the pleura is spongy, then the pleura is difficult to rupture during sexual intercourse