Wenzel Operation

Wenzel's operation

Currently, it is used extremely rarely, for example after eye injuries and clouding of the lens through non-surgical means. When operating in this case, you have to make a larger incision across the entire length of the eye. This method is very traumatic, and after it there are sharp changes in visual function, often

Operations Y.S. WENZEL are the only radical method of treating patients with high and moderate cataracts. By involving the eye in the mechanism of vision in newborns and children, surgery not only allows for the restoration of its functional abilities, but also provides the opportunity to continue treatment under the iris in the presence of only an episcleral scar in adult patients. The results of the operation were more favorable (relief and improvement of vision due to a decrease in the anterior-posterior axis of the eye and complete compensation of areas of central weakness leading to various types of amblyopia) than after any other operation for traction bands. If complications (glaucoma, cicatricial adhesions with the capsule) were observed in children in the early postoperative period (from 0.5 to 2 months), then after completion of the formation of the cataract they disappeared or decreased in degree in 96.9% of cases. A positive side of the intervention is also the rapid and complete removal of surgical material (in 63% - 0.7-1 month, in 37% - 3.5 months). Guided sclerotomy preserves the anterior vitreous; less commonly (up to 8.6%), posterior subcapsular cataract is formed. The most significant disadvantages can be considered the deviation of the eyeball from its position (it has to be fixed with a thread or instrument). This effect is observed in 58%. of the total number of transactions; and if the operation is repeated or previously performed on adults, then in 80%. Nevertheless, the fact of obtaining a significant operational result indicates a fairly high efficiency of the method. This path can be considered as an operative step towards further restoration of visual functions, when extraction of the cataract mass through the palpebral fissure (is not always possible in the near future. The likelihood of developing age-related hyperopia after surgery depends on the stage of development of the residual spheroexartaculocyte. To minimize the likelihood of developing such a complication, it is necessary to expand the possibility of using operations that accompany the elimination of congenital cataracts (deep oblique clone according to Lenin). The negative side of the method is frequent changes in the course of the eye muscles, i.e. their paresis upon repeated access to the eye. We observe such changes from 3 to 8% of all interventions. Because of them, it is necessary to perform repeated interventions (operation

**Oral surgery** is one of the types of surgical interventions in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, which is used in the presence of diseases of the eyeball and requires a number of operations.

Wencesla surgery is a necessary measure in cases where urgent treatment of glaucoma or cataracts with sealing problems is required. It takes place in several stages and is the most complex and lengthy procedure among all such operations. The intervention is performed only by experienced surgeons using specialized instruments.