Venel Boots

Venel boots is a historical term that refers to a type of shoe that was popular in Europe in the 18th century. This shoe was named after the Swiss surgeon Joseph August Venel (J. A. Venel), who invented it in 1770.

Venel boots were made of leather or fabric and had a high shin and wide heel. They were very comfortable for walking and running, as well as for sports. At that time, Venel boots were very popular among the military and athletes, who used them for training and competitions.

However, over time, Venelian boots became less popular and were replaced by more comfortable and practical types of shoes. Today, Venel boots can only be seen in museums or at exhibitions dedicated to the history of fashion and sports.

**Venel boots** are a unique method for treating varicose veins of the lower extremities, developed by the Swiss surgeon Jean Andre Venel, which he used in the 16th century. His invention made it possible to radically change the treatment of this pathology and significantly improve the quality of life of patients.

The main problem lies not so much in varicose veins itself, but rather in the conditions of modern life, which affects the quality of patients. Most often, cases of the disease are recorded in women with a predisposition to varicose veins, for whom the main problem is the unsightly appearance of their legs, swelling and fatigue. Men are more “lucky” in this regard - they suffer from cosmetic problems less often, but at the same time they actively lose blood, especially when the blood pressure on the walls of the veins is not performed correctly. Due to the growing popularity of grueling physical activity among modern youth, young people with disease of the main veins, after operations to remove veins (phlebectomy), are increasingly turning to Venel boots. In addition, Venel boots are used for stage 3 varicose veins. A characteristic feature of the patient is high pressure on the walls of the affected great vessels, which often leads to significant expansion of the vein, which subsequently causes atrophy of soft tissues and severe discomfort, unpleasant sensations of varying severity. In such cases, the use of Venel boots becomes a prerequisite for obtaining a positive result.