
Venosan: an effective homeopathic remedy for the treatment of venous diseases

Venosan is a homeopathic remedy produced by Gomeopharm in Russia. It belongs to the group of venotonic drugs that are used to treat various venous diseases.

The dosage form of Venosan is granules, which are packaged in a bottle weighing 20 grams. The composition of the drug includes witch hazel 3C, vipera 6C, sweet clover 3C, aesculus 3C and yarrow 9C.

Venosan is recommended for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. phlebeurysm;
  2. venous thrombosis and phlebitis;
  3. trophic and metabolic disorders;
  4. haemorrhoids.

The drug has no contraindications or side effects, and does not interact with other medications. There is also no data on overdose.

However, before you start using Venosan, you should definitely consult your doctor and not exceed the recommended dose.

The peculiarity of Venosan is that it can be combined well with the drugs Cephalgin and Angiosan, especially when the course is carried out in the summer.

From the literature, in the catalog from the manufacturer - the Gomeopharm company for 2005, you can find out more detailed information about Venosan and its use.

Thus, Venosan is an effective and safe homeopathic remedy for the treatment of various venous diseases, but before using it, you must consult a doctor.