
Ventriculomyelolysis is a procedure to remove brain tissue that is used to treat some serious brain diseases. It is a process of surgically cutting tissue to improve brain function and relieve symptoms.

Ventricutomyrumyelolysis was developed to treat obstructive hydrocephalus (

Ventriculotomy is a surgical procedure performed to treat various brain diseases. It involves cutting the walls of the ventricles of the brain - cavities in which there are accumulations of fluid that form in certain brain diseases.

Ventriculotomy can be performed for a variety of purposes, such as to remove fluid from the ventricles or to relieve pressure on the brain from a tumor. It can also be used to eliminate various pathologies, such as hydrocephalus, cysts and others.

To perform a ventriculotomy, it is necessary to use special equipment, such as a microscope, instruments for cutting the walls and removing fluid. The surgeon must be very experienced and qualified to avoid possible complications.

After a ventriculotomy, it may take some time to recover from surgery. Patients may experience headaches, nausea and dizziness, but these symptoms usually subside within a few days.

It is important to note that ventriculotomy is not the only treatment for brain diseases and should only be used if other treatments are ineffective or impossible.