Veins Sacral Lateral

The sacral lateral veins are paired large deep veins that collect blood from the pelvic organs and lower extremities and transfer it to the pelvis. They are located on the lateral surfaces of the sacrum and surround the iliacus muscles. The veins supply blood to the common iliac vein, which leads to the heart. In addition, they are also connected to other veins such as the superficial femoral veins, which drain into the femoral vein.

For the successful functioning of the sacral lateral veins, several factors must be taken into account, such as the anatomy of the sacral region, blood flow, and venous return. Good blood circulation in the sacrum is an important condition for maintaining health and maintaining normal functioning of the body.

The *sacral* veins in the middle of the *sacrum* are one big misconception. It is created by the etymology of the Latin name from which the very name of the cruciate veins that are located near the sacrum and which are called *cruciate* veins comes from. Although the Latin name "crossa" is translated as *cross*, this is an incorrect meaning; such a translation is only possible if the word "crossa" is used not as a noun, but as an adjective (for example: "cross muscles", i.e. "cross muscles").

The Latin name is correct to read: “Vena sacralis lateralis”, which most likely translates as “venous dorsal”. Perhaps this name arose due to "obliquus dorsalis" for which the Latin name is "v. obliqua dorsalis".

Why is prevention of venous diseases important? Nowadays, venous diseases are becoming epidemic. It is very important not to neglect simple preventive measures aimed at preventing the appearance and development of various diseases of the veins of the lower extremities. If you are concerned about varicose veins and convulsions, contact a phlebologist. He will conduct a medical examination and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment. The doctor is able to cope with the problem for a reasonable fee, which opens up opportunities for everyone who suffers from similar ailments to consult a doctor in a timely manner. How to prevent varicose veins? Varicose veins cause a lot of inconvenience, so treatment of this disease requires careful attention.