Veins of the Perineum

Perineal veins are blood vessels that are found in the area between the anus and vagina. They are part of the body's venous system and serve to drain blood from the area.

The veins of the perineum are involved in blood flow processes in the body and perform an important function in metabolism. They ensure blood circulation in the genitals and also help cool the body in hot weather.

One of the main reasons for the formation of perineal veins is pregnancy. During pregnancy, the veins in this area can become large enough to allow large amounts of blood to circulate. This is necessary to provide the fetus with the necessary nutrients and oxygen. However, after childbirth, the veins may return to their original state.

In addition, the formation of perineal veins can be influenced by various factors, such as age, gender, body type and even lifestyle. For example, in women, veins may become more visible during menopause, when estrogen levels decrease.

Treatment of perineal veins may include the use of folk remedies such as herbal preparations and infusions. However, in some cases surgery may be required. It involves ligating the veins or removing them by making an incision.

If you notice enlarged veins of the perineum and cannot find relief from the use of folk remedies or surgery, it is recommended to consult a doctor.