
Verbigeration is the periodic meaningless repetition of the same words or phrases. This condition is a type of speech-affecting stereotypy that most often occurs in people with schizophrenia.

With verbalization, a person may repeatedly repeat a word or phrase that does not have much meaning or connection with the context of the conversation. Such repetitions can last from several seconds to several minutes. Verbigeration is often accompanied by incoherent speech and other disorders of thinking and behavior.

This symptom is usually associated with severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, and dementia. Verbigeration may be one of the first signs of the development of psychosis. Prompt recognition and treatment of this symptom is important to prevent further deterioration of mental health.

**Verbigeration** is a stereotypical, constant, meaningless reproduction of the same parts of speech, and sometimes individual sounds, syllables, words. Often begins to repeat itself as part of longer sentences. The term was proposed in 1934 by the American psychiatrist O. Guilford. Verbigeration is observed in catatonic schizophrenia, hebephrenic, catatonic-hebephrenic types of disorders, as part of dementia. It occurs in patients with organic pathology, depression, and, more recently, Alzheimer's disease. It occurs as a result of disruption of the normal course of the processes of perception, recognition, cognitive control, and speech regulation. It is aggravated by a lack of awareness of pathology, denial of the fact of the presence of the disease. For treatment, drug and psychocorrective therapy and special classes are used.


The topic of verbalization usually concerns people who have a disease similar to schizophrenia - a mental disorder that affects the brain and has a strong impact on mental activity, thinking, attitude to the outside world, including speech. This condition is manifested by frequent repetition of the same words, but verbalization cannot be considered an independent mental illness. It indicates serious disorders of a person’s neuropsychic state. With a mild form of the disease, it is possible to consciously repeat words in order to improve the understanding of the interlocutor. In this case, other symptoms of the disease are also often present. And with a pronounced form of willow