Vermeule Method

Vermeule Method

* The Vermeule (Vermeule) method is an invention of the Soviet physiotherapist Sergei Bariy Vermeule, named after him.

It is a targeted local therapy, which is carried out through the complex influence of various factors - infrared or ultraviolet radiation, steam, magnetic field, electrical impulses, and so on. They are aimed at specific segments of the body in order to affect the entire nervous system. Without the use of surgical methods, the functioning of various body systems improves and pain is relieved. The drug is used both in the early stages of treatment and in later stages of the disease. Efficiency is observed in patients of different ages,

The Vermeule method is a unique method of treating the patient’s musculoskeletal system, developed by doctor S.B. Vermeule at the beginning of the twentieth century. This method, combining classical methods of physiotherapy and massage in combination with the widespread use of traumatic diseases and exercise therapy, has become a real breakthrough in the treatment of the patient's musculoskeletal system.

Vermeule's first method

The Vermeule method can be divided into two main stages: the initial stage, the purpose of which is to soften the muscles and ligaments, and the second, where certain exercises are already used aimed at strengthening the muscular system.

This method is easily tolerated by patients and can be used together with other therapeutic techniques. The main principle of the method is training the patient in order to restore his motor functions and develop correct posture.

Vermeule's second method is massage from A.A. Vishnevsky, who was known for his work on patient rehabilitation and physical activity. The Vermeule method involves a combination of techniques with classical techniques from different types of massage, but only with the use of Vermeule’s original elements and techniques. Vermeule's third method is based on