
Vertigohel: an effective homeopathic remedy against motion sickness

Vertigoheel is a homeopathic remedy produced in Germany by the company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH. It is widely used to combat various types of dizziness and movement problems. Vertigohel is distinguished by its natural composition and the absence of known side effects.

The main components of Vertigohel are Anamirta cocculus, Conium maculatum, Ambra grisea and Petroleum rectificatum. The drops contain these components in various dosages, as well as 35 percent alcohol by volume. In tablets, the concentration of components also differs. The drug has no known contraindications, side effects and information on interactions with other drugs.

Vertigohel is effective in the treatment of dizziness of neurogenic and vascular origin, cerebral atherosclerosis, the consequences of concussions and other related problems. It is also recommended for motion sickness such as seasickness, air sickness, and Meniere's syndrome.

It is important to note that Vertigohel is compatible with alcohol consumption and does not have sedative properties. This means that its use does not affect the safety of driving vehicles and performing other tasks that require increased concentration.

Vertigohel is one of the products of the Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH company, specializing in the production of homeopathic remedies. The company is known for its quality products and long-term experience in the field of homeopathy.

In conclusion, Vertigoheel is an effective and safe homeopathic remedy for motion sickness. Thanks to its natural composition and the absence of side effects, it allows you to cope with various types of dizziness and problems associated with movement. If you have such problems, you should consult a doctor and consider the possibility of using Vertigohel in your case.


  1. "Modern homeopathy. A practical guide to the use of homeopathic medicines from Heel."
  2. Mikhailov I.V. "Homeopathy Handbook."
  3. Register of Medicines of Russia. Ed. 9.