Spring skin care skazka 1001noch ru

One of the signs of recent times has been the widespread proliferation of all kinds of makeup studios, hair salons, cosmetic centers, etc. Setting up your own business in the Rostov beauty industry is not easy. To be honest, those who are not experienced in this matter should not count on the fame and glory of Sergei Zverev.

Nevertheless, if your desire to own your own beauty salon is so irresistible that it outweighs all the arguments against, you should pay attention to the following points.

First of all, as in any other business, you need to decide on the specialization and list of services provided. To do this, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, the most important of which is location.

According to research, 48% of clients choose their salon based on location: in close proximity to their home or place of work. “On the spot” it is very important to get your bearings correctly, taking into account the activities of your closest competitors, because the majority of visitors (75%) are conservative: they constantly go to the same place. This does not sound very comforting to those who are planning to conquer their segment in this market, but in this regard, it is important to remember the important 20/80 principle, which means that 20% of repeat visitors bring you 80% of your income. To be sure, it is best to clearly understand “what is our client like?”

Marketing strategy

The problem of developing a marketing strategy is also very relevant. The salon itself does not guarantee an influx of clients; you still need to fight for them. Conventional advertising in the media and on television, as practice shows, is ineffective, since a very small number of its consumers are potential clients of beauty salons. And paying for informing readers, 90% of whom, by definition, cannot be clients of an expensive salon, is not economically profitable. Direct marketing works well: sending out booklets by mail, a well-thought-out bonus system, various promotions, etc.


Beauty salon equipment is the most important element of a beauty business. Therefore, it is very important to find a reliable supplier of these products. The Mara group company has proven itself well in this market, operating in cities such as Stavropol, Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Pyatigorsk.

In the sales departments of Mara Group you can always find high-quality furniture for beauty salons, a full range of hairdressing, manicure, cosmetology equipment, and high-quality consumables.

Other nuances

Personnel selection is also a crucial moment. Although many believe that reading a resume and a personal conversation is quite enough to understand “what kind of person is in front of you, and whether he will work well.”

And finally, successful resolution of the above problems still does not guarantee success for the new salon. According to experts, it should have some kind of zest. Something there must “catch”, and this mysterious “something” must be intuitively guessed.

Having your own salon is a whole philosophy. You need to earn the respect and trust of your clients.

A service worker is also a psychologist who must be able to both give practical advice and remain silent at the right time. Therefore, if you have discovered all the necessary qualities in yourself and have a desire to give people beauty, why don’t you open your own salon?

When choosing skin care products, you need to correctly identify the problem and only then choose a cream. You should not use lifts and serums ahead of time, but preventing the appearance of wrinkles is easier than fighting those that have already arisen. Although the approach to diagnosing your skin should be individual, we provide general recommendations from dermatologists that may be useful for you.

Regardless of your age, it is important to choose the right cosmetic brand. We recommend purchasing Secret Key products. Most women who have tried this cosmetics like everything about Secret Key.

At 25 years old

It is important to prevent the first wrinkles, which begin to form at the average age of 25, by using skin care products that will help the skin withstand the effects of time. Thorough moisturizing of the skin is also necessary to prevent the formation of wrinkles: for this purpose, use products with high hydration potential, but, in addition, do not forget about the need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.

At 30 years old

At this age, wrinkles become more noticeable. It is extremely important to start fighting them from the moment they appear, and thus prevent them from deepening. Now scientific discoveries in the field of cosmetology can prevent the occurrence and, in addition, reduce the severity of already formed superficial and deep wrinkles thanks to the latest molecular developments.

A cream with a lifting effect, which should be used daily for a month, should definitely take a worthy place in your cosmetic bag. Then you need to give the skin a rest for 3-4 weeks and repeat this “lifting” course again.

At 40 years old

From this age it is worth starting to use care products that maintain skin elasticity, since aging is accompanied by weakening of dermal tissue. Constantly use cosmetics that restore skin tone, and be sure to accompany its application with a massage.

Since the skin becomes completely dry, an indispensable companion to your cosmetic bag should be a product that regulates its water balance and contains components such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin P and lanolin.

At 50 years old

At this age, the skin undergoes changes: there is a loss of vitality. This is a very serious period for the skin, and therefore it is extremely important during this time to use skin care products that are well adapted to the hormonal changes that the skin undergoes, as well as maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Coloring shampoos, foams, gels, balms, lotions are called toning agents. Their main difference from hair dye is that these products are considered unstable, since they do not contain ammonia and an oxidizing agent, which bleach the natural color of the hair.

How do these funds differ from each other?

Ingredients: the gel contains gelled components, the foam is a foaming product, the balms contain substances that care for the hair. Some tonics contain resorcinol and fuchsin - chemical compounds that give hair bright colors after coloring.

An excellent selection of tinted shampoos and hair conditioners can be found on the website unimag.kz

What are the advantages of these funds?

All of them, without exception, contain silicone. Thanks to this, the shampoo or gel does not penetrate deep into the hair, as when dyeing with permanent dye, but only envelops it, so the hair becomes denser and “alive”. And of course, tinting products are considered more gentle compared to hair dyes.

Another great advantage of tinting products is... they can be used to paint not the entire head, but individual areas. For example, when you need to tint your hair roots, bangs or individual strands.

What are the disadvantages?

The most important thing is fragility. These preparations are designed for a period of no more than four weeks, that is, the dye will be washed off the head after the sixth to eighth wash. In addition, with each subsequent wash, the hair color will fade. And having painted your head with permanent paint, you can wear this color for one and a half to two months.

However, the quick washability of toning products can also be considered an advantage: if a woman wants to understand whether a particular color will suit her, before applying permanent dye to her hair, she can try coloring foam or shampoo.

For example, lately it has been very fashionable to dye your hair in unusual, so-called extreme colors: crimson, violet, blue, blue, shades of “wild plum” and others. Before you radically change your image, you can experiment and understand whether I like myself with a new hair color or not.

What to prefer - tonic, shampoo, gel?

When choosing, you must take into account the hair structure. For thin, brittle, porous hair, a gel or balm is more suitable. For oily hair, you need to choose foams - they dry out your hair a little. Toning shampoos can be used for all hair types.

How to use these tools correctly?

Once you have determined your hair type and understand which product - tonic or balm - you should choose, be sure to pay attention to the natural color of your hair. Do not forget that you can achieve the desired shade only if you have chosen the right tone: on dark hair, the toning agent will only give a shade, and if the hair is bleached, the tone will be brighter. Choose according to the principle: the darker the natural hair color, the darker the toning agent should be.

In addition, read the instructions for use of the product. The longer you leave the product on your hair, the brighter the final color will be.