How to deal with a flabby neck

7 rules for restoring elasticity and tone of neck skin at home

The three most obvious telltale signs of a woman's age are the neck, the area around the eyes and the arms. So, ladies?

In order not to have a flabby neck... Some of us will rush to the mirror and nod with satisfaction to our reflection, while others will only smile sadly.

While we were young, we were more concerned about beautiful eyelashes and luxurious hair, and we didn’t even think about our necks. But the skin of the neck is so soft!

Due to its structure, it loses elasticity and firmness faster than facial skin.
Add to this our forgetfulness to take care of our neck, age-related dehydration of the skin, cervical osteochondrosis and an incorrectly selected pillow, “irresistible gravity” and neglect of gymnastics.

There are many misfortunes on our beloved neck, but there is only one solution.
And you will be surprised! This is self-discipline.
Every day, persistently and methodically do everything in order to improve the condition of the skin of the neck, not to bring it to a flabby state - that’s what is necessary.
By the way, be sure to add treatments for the décolleté to your neck care.
So what to do?

1. The enemy of a flabby neck is correct posture.

Watch in this video how to develop royal posture. Train this posture until it becomes yours, natural.

When you sit, stand or walk, remember that you are a queen! Posture, nose slightly up (just a little), back straight - and immediately beautiful breasts.
Who says “wrong age”.
Okay, let’s remember how old Queen Elizabeth II of England is.

Now watch the video and feel the magical posture! And then you will take up a beautiful gait.


2. Neck care at home

Please remember - caring for the skin of your neck and décolleté is just as important as caring for your facial skin. As one of my clients says, “All my skin is cleansed, moisturized and nourished.”

And it doesn’t matter whether your neck skin is toned or fading, or someone might say aging, flabby. At 40 years old or 50 or over 60 years old.

The main thing is daily proper care!

And also remember that neck skin is always dry or normal. But with age it becomes more often dry.

Therefore, choose cosmetics for all stages of neck skin care or folk recipes - for dry and/or normal skin!
Use gentle scrubs, also labeled “for dry skin.”

Anti-aging care for neck skin, flabby or in good tone – is the same. The only difference is the number of masks during the week.
Write down:

  1. Cleansing (washing), toner, day/night face cream or special neck cream - daily morning and evening;
  2. Gentle scrub 1-2 times a week;
  3. Masks (nourishing, moisturizing, restoring, anti-aging, lifting and others - all for dry skin) 3-7 times a week!

How to use cosmetics correctly, how to apply them, how to remove them see below in the series “Facial care after 40-45 years”.

Here “face” means: FACE = face + eye area + neck + décolleté area.

The series is suitable for women of any age: from 40 years to 65 years and older.


3. Self-massage for neck laxity

The third most important rule is self-massage.

Many famous cosmetics houses have even come up with exclusive types of massage for the face, neck and décolleté. But the essence is the same everywhere - patting and pinching, as well as pressing on certain acupuncture points.

In addition, massaging the back of the neck is effective - along the vertebrae and vertebral processes separately, which stimulates proper blood circulation.

  1. Thanks to good blood circulation, the skin cells of the face and neck, as well as the brain, actively receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen.
  2. With good blood circulation, your cosmetics work more effectively and you get the desired results.

The stronger and healthier the spine in the neck and so-called collar area, the longer the neck skin will be protected from sagging.

Watch this video and learn proper self-massage of the neck and collar area from a professional massage therapist!


4. Exercises for a healthy neck

Another rule for neck care is gymnastics.
During the day, you also need to slowly bend your neck left and right, back and forth. The amplitude of movements should be small, no sudden jerky movements. The neck, and the whole back, in fact, don’t like this.

Remember, have you seen Chinese qigong gymnastics somewhere, how slowly and smoothly all the movements are performed. This is a more physiological approach than classical European gymnastics with their sharp swings and lunges.

This exercise is useful:

  1. Sit up straight, tilt your head towards your left shoulder
  2. With your left hand over your head, grab the area of ​​your right ear and tilt your head lower and lower, while pulling the muscles of your right shoulder to the side.

This stretch is simple and very effective. Blood circulation in the neck, back of the head and shoulders improves and normalizes. It is useful for both those who work while sitting and those who spend the working day on their feet.

5. Orthopedic pillow for a beautiful and healthy neck

It doesn’t depend on whether you are prone to neck problems or not, but it’s better to sleep on flat, low orthopedic pillows.

Try how comfortable it is, and how well you get a good night's sleep, and you will never go back to using other pillows.

6. Exercises against neck laxity

Also useful for keeping the neck in good condition. gymnastics for the face (these exercises are sometimes called facial yoga, fitness, face-building, shaping, etc.).

Fully all gymnastics exercises for the face look at THIS PAGE.

This a set of 10 lessons from Margarita Levchenko, professional massage therapist and facial gymnastics trainer.

Now try it 2 exercises important for the neck:

1) Sit or stand straight with your legs resting firmly on the floor with your entire foot:

a. Stick out your tongue and try to reach the tip of your nose.
b. Move your tongue left and right as you do this.
c. Then lower your tongue, as if trying to reach your chin,
d. and also swing it in different directions.

2) The second exercise is to pronounce the sounds “I”, “U”, “O”, “A”, while actively articulating with your lips.

7. Neck skin care with oils

When caring for your neck at home, use essential and vegetable oils.
Masks with oils or oil compresses are very good at revitalizing aging neck skin.

For example, such a compress as a wrap:

  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of almond, sesame or jojoba oil slightly in a water bath,
  2. apply liberally to neck,
  3. put a layer of cotton wool or a pre-warmed towel on top
  4. and leave for half an hour.
  5. Then blot the residue with a napkin or simply rinse with warm water.

Look interesting recipes for masks with essential and vegetable oils look at THIS PAGE.

8. Cosmetology and a flabby neck

Well, if the situation is completely out of control, and the appearance of your neck frankly upsets you, then a trip to a cosmetologist, salon or clinic will save you.

Specialists today offer a wide range of procedures - from the same massage, but done by a professional, and possibly with the necessary equipment, to mesotherapy and even plastic surgery.
As they say, all means are good.

But self-discipline, ladies, has not been canceled. Therefore, let's direct our attention to ourselves, beloved!

Now turn on this beautiful music and conjure your beauty and youth!

If the article was useful to you, thank me, click on the social network buttons and share with others. Thank you for your attention!

Loose skin on the neck and chin area can reveal a woman’s age. There are effective measures that can eliminate these shortcomings. There is no need to wait for the skin in such places to age; you need to take care of it in advance, regularly, without interruptions.

Causes of poor skin condition

Age is not always the cause of sagging skin in the décolleté area. Although collagen loss occurs much faster after 40 years. Elasticity is lost and the ability to recover quickly slows down.

Another reason is a malfunction of internal organs. Poor functioning of the kidneys, intestines, and endocrine system negatively affects the condition of the skin. The color of the skin will be noticeably paler, the surface will be rough, dry, more susceptible to wrinkles and damage.

Too dry air negatively affects the entire body, skin cells lose water, small blood vessels burst, which leads to redness. If you moisturize at the wrong time, dryness will turn into wrinkles. Excessive exposure to the sun and frequent use of self-tanning creams also harm the skin.

Stress and overwork lead to overstretching of the muscles of the neck and chin. Weight changes with sudden weight loss or weight gain affect your appearance. Inept use of cosmetics will also lead to poor-looking skin. You can get irritation, an allergic reaction, dryness, sagging.

What to do at home?

You can take care of the skin of your neck, tidy it up, get rid of wrinkles and sagging at home. Special cosmetic procedures in salons may do this faster, but a woman does not always have the time and financial resources to attend them. Home treatments will also be effective and will be more gentle on the skin, and the results will last much longer.

To eliminate sagging skin you should use:

  1. special exercises;
  2. masks, compresses;
  3. special food;
  4. massage, self-massage.

Such procedures should be performed from about 25 years of age. But if you are late with age, then you need to start without delay. The body is responsive to care; in any case, positive changes will occur. Neck care should be regular, daily.

Special exercises must be performed daily. If the first signs of sagging, sagging, and decreased tone have already appeared on the neck, then classes should be increased to 2 times a day. Massage at a young age will be enough to do 2 times a week. After 35 years, it is better to perform such procedures every day. After 40 years, several massage movements should be included in the washing process.

The number of masks and compresses increases as the skin ages. She constantly needs care, food, treatment. In this case, even at an advanced age, she will not give out the number of years.

Set of exercises

You need to exercise at any time of the day. It is advisable to do the whole complex in order to improve the movement of blood through the vessels, develop muscles, and tone the body. Each exercise should be done 5 to 10 times.

  1. Head straight. Slowly raise and lower your head. The chin should point straight up when lifting. The head should not go to the side, rise / fall in one line;
  2. Keep your head straight, do not strain your neck muscles. Slowly tilt your head back so that your chin looks straight up. Move the lower jaw upward until you feel tension. Count to 10. Take your time to go back;
  3. Slowly tilt your head back, your chin looking straight up. Pull the lower jaw inward to expose the upper jaw. Count to 10. Slowly finish the exercise;
  4. Head up. Place your upper lip tightly on your lower lip. They smile while holding their lips. Count to ten, return to the starting position;
  5. Push-ups help a lot. Loose skin will begin to disappear even on the chest and arms. You need to do push-ups not only from the floor. And from the table, chair, window;
  6. Raising the body from a lying position tightens the skin on the abdomen and chin area. You need to lie on your stomach, put your hand on the back of your head. Raise your upper body, while pulling your chin up, feeling the tension in your skin and muscles.

After such exercises, it is recommended to do a little self-massage slowly to relax the working muscles. The palms of your hands should be rubbed until you feel a pleasant warmth. Then apply them to the neck, stroke with light movements along the massage lines from bottom to top.

Use of special masks

Masks for loose neck skin should be done regularly. It is better in courses of 6 – 8 times. Then after a break, resume.

Mask recipe No. 1

Any citrus fruits must be peeled, pitted, and pulp chopped. Lubricate the neck with nourishing cream or any vegetable oil. Place the prepared pulp on a napkin and apply it to your neck for 20 minutes. Then remove the napkin, wipe the skin with oil, then lemon juice. At the end of the procedure, after waiting until the juice is absorbed, wipe your neck with a dry cloth and lubricate it with nourishing cream.

Mask recipe No. 2

Mix half a banana, 5 - 6 ripe strawberries, 2 tablespoons of full-fat natural yogurt without additives or kefir. Apply the mixture to the neck, chin, décolleté and leave for an hour. Rinse off with warm water. For such masks you can use different seasonal berries. It is better if they are sour - currants, gooseberries, cherries.

Mask recipe No. 3

Mix half a large spoon of any vegetable oil, the same amount of honey, one chicken egg yolk. Apply to the problem area for 15 minutes. You can use grape seed oil, peach oil, and flaxseed oil. You need to use sea buckthorn with caution - it stains.

Mask recipe No. 4

Mash the boiled potatoes, add vegetable oil and honey in such proportions that the mask does not drip from the neck. After application, wrap with a bandage or soft cloth. Keep it for half an hour. After rinsing, removing residues, lubricate with nourishing cream.

Compresses against sagging

To prevent the skin on the neck from becoming loose, compresses are used. Their action is based on temperature changes, which tightens the muscles well. Need two towels. One is soaked in cold water, the other in a hot decoction of medicinal herbs. Keep it on your neck for about 10 minutes, and then apply a cool towel for 2 minutes. The hot broth should not burn your hands. But it should be remembered that there must be a temperature contrast.

Chamomile compress with milk. A handful of dried chamomile flowers is poured into a glass of milk and boiled for about 3 minutes. Wet a towel or napkin. Apply to the neck and wrap with film. After changing to a cool towel, apply nourishing cream.

Instead of chamomile, you can take other medicinal herbs - mint, linden. Sage and rosemary are popular because they improve collagen production.

Nutritional Features

Some products help maintain skin elasticity and increase its firmness. Their consumption should be increased and included in the daily diet.

Product Useful qualities
Sea fish, seafood Fish oil helps maintain skin elasticity
Nuts Protein helps cells repair
Olive oil Vitamins and nutrients in the composition support elasticity
Fresh berries Antioxidants successfully fight cell aging. Contains silicon, which is important for cell repair
Buckwheat Contains rutin to prevent wrinkles
Eggs Contains selenium, which helps maintain elasticity
Beef Contains zinc to help prevent loss of skin firmness. It is also found in pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, cocoa, and liver.

Enhanced nutrition in combination with other procedures will allow skin cells to recover faster and regain lost strength. Drinking enough clean water and including fresh herbs in the menu have a good effect on skin color.

Using self-massage

This procedure cannot be done on the run, in between. It is better to take her slowly, in the evening, before bed. Two sessions a week will be enough, but carried out according to all the rules.

  1. Wash your hands. Clean the neck, lubricate it with nourishing cream;
  2. Rub your palms until a pleasant warmth appears;
  3. Sit up straight, do not strain your neck muscles;
  4. Using stroking movements, move your palms from bottom to top over the entire surface of the neck, paying special attention to the front part;
  5. Open your palms so that your thumb is separate and at right angles to the rest. With such palms, hug the neck below, pressing tightly, carefully move your hands from bottom to top from the collarbone to the chin;
  6. Stroking from one ear to the other with one and the other hand. Do it along the neck in the form of an arc, which should increase each time towards the bottom, covering the entire surface;
  7. Tapping the upper part of the neck. This should be done with bent fingers, without causing pain;
  8. Tingling from the middle to the sides. It is carried out with the index finger and thumb. Starting from the top, gradually covering the entire surface. Avoid pain and discomfort;
  9. Rubbing the skin with the surfaces of the index fingers, like sawing with counter movements. Apply all over the neck;
  10. The final exercise is to stroke the entire surface with leisurely movements from bottom to top.

Perform each exercise at least 5 times. When performing, do not touch the thyroid gland area, avoid pain. Nails should be short when performing so as not to injure yourself. After the procedure, it is better to go to bed immediately.


By following simple tips, you can prevent deterioration in the appearance of your neck. The skin did not immediately sag in this area; bad habits, completely unnoticeable, gradually made it so.

  1. do not sleep on high pillows to avoid horizontal wrinkles;
  2. do not sit with your head bowed low, this provokes the formation of a double chin;
  3. stop smoking, drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks. All this provokes the aging of body cells;
  4. It is not recommended to watch TV, read, or work at the computer while lying down.
  5. You need to constantly monitor your posture, strengthen your back muscles, it should be straight, your chin should be slightly raised.

Such recommendations should be followed constantly and become a habit so that the neck becomes beautiful and toned.

Recommendations from Olga Seymour

It would be interesting to know the opinions of a famous person in the field of skin care, who is Olga Seymour. She is known as a cosmetologist who prefers folk methods of body care, studies the history of fashion, and is interested in folk remedies in the fight against aging.

Olga has proven from her experience that with proper regular self-care, every woman can look young and attractive. She knows how to get rid of loose skin on your neck. There is no need to spend a lot of money on cosmetics or salon procedures. Homemade recipes from Olga Seymour will help slow down the natural aging process.

Pea mask

This mask is good for preventing the appearance of fine wrinkles. Mix two large spoons of peas ground in a coffee grinder with half a glass of natural yogurt. Apply the mixture to the neck, décolleté, and chin. Leave for 10 minutes, then apply another layer. After 10 minutes, remove by rinsing thoroughly with warm water. After patting the skin with a dry towel, apply nourishing cream.

Tar mask

An excellent remedy is a tar mask. It helps with sagging skin and removes noticeable sagging. It should be done no more than 1 – 2 times a month. It is necessary to take tar soap without additives or fragrances. Grate about an eighth of the piece on a fine grater, add a little water. Beat gradually into foam until the soap is completely dissolved.

Apply foam to the neck and décolleté area. Can be applied to the lower jaw to eliminate jowls, or to the face. But you need to be careful in areas around the eyes. Wait until the layer dries, you feel tightness, apply again. It is advisable to leave 3 layers, only then rinse, first with warm water, then rinse with cool water. After the mask, apply moisturizer.

A tar mask should not be applied to dry skin prone to rashes. For those who will be using for the first time, it is recommended to try first on delicate skin in an inconspicuous place, for example, on the inner bend of the elbow.

A well-known cosmetologist suggests determining how best to sleep in order to prevent the formation of new wrinkles. She advises going to the mirror and smiling. Carefully consider which side of the face and neck has more wrinkles, and sleep on that side. It is also useful to get enough sleep and go to bed not late before 11 pm.


If loose skin appears on the neck, what to do is stated above. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations regularly, be disciplined, and not be lazy. Don't count on an immediate effect. It all depends on the condition of the skin and age. After 2 months of conscientious care, positive changes will be noticeable, this will give strength to continue the procedures.

There are cosmetic ways to get rid of wrinkles, folds, and sagging. These are special injections, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, biorevitalization. They are suitable for aging skin that has severe blemishes.

Such procedures affect the deeper layers of the skin and are much more aggressive. It is recommended to first use more gentle methods - gymnastics, massages, compresses. If this does not help, then move on to hardware methods.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  1. You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  2. You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared.
  3. Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return.

But there is an effective remedy for wrinkles! Follow the link and find out how to get rid of wrinkles in just a month.

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  1. You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  2. You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared.
  3. Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return.

But there is an effective remedy for wrinkles! Follow the link and find out how to get rid of wrinkles in just a month.

A flabby neck, or “turkey neck”, “turkey goiter” is a soft tissue condition where the skin under the chin sags in the form of a drop. A typical problem not only for women, but also for men.

It occurs most often with age and goes through different stages. In especially advanced cases, the angle between the chin and neck - the so-called “angle of youth” - disappears, and the skin of the chin literally flows down onto the neck.

You can improve the appearance of your neck at home only at the very beginning stages flabbiness. In the middle and severe stages, only cosmetology and plastic surgery will help.

However, the initial stage already is a very worrying sign. Imagine an iceberg. What we see: fading, wrinkles and sagging skin is its tip. Such manifestations indicate deep and large-scale changes in fat and muscle tissue.

This is a fairly serious defect that requires immediate action. The longer you delay solving the problem, the stronger the symptoms increase, the more difficult it is for loose skin of the face and neck to be corrected.

Photos "before" and "after"

Neck lift, results before and 12 hours after! After the operation: the oval and contour of the lower jaw are emphasized, the jowls are corrected, the double chin disappears, the chin does not sag when the head is tilted! Performed by the surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev .

Performed facelift-smas, lipofilling, face, co2-lifting. Before and 9 days after. Performed by surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev.

Hollywood neck plastic surgery. Photos were taken “before” and 7 days “after”. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey .

Neck lift. Author's technique. "Before" and 7 days "after" the operation. Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim .

Neck lift using dynamic platysmoplasty - the chin will not sag even when tilted. Result 10 hours after surgery. There is swelling and markings. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Platysmaplasty with installation of a Medpor chin implant. Photos were taken “before” and 12 days “after”. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim .

Neck lift, results “before” and 12 hours “after”. Author's technique. Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim .

Neck lift (author's technique). Photos "before" and 2 days "after". Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev M.N.

Expert comment:

“If you notice that the skin on your neck has become loose, you should literally today Call and make an appointment with a cosmetologist at your next appointment. Because one stage flows into another very quickly: in a matter of months the skin becomes wrinkled, folds form on the neck and a bag under the chin.

The so-called “turkey neck” is a late stage. With this development of events, a sagging chin and neck are difficult to correct even using Hollywood platysmaplasty methods and require a masterly combination of several techniques from the surgeon.”

Loose skin on the neck occurs for various reasons

With age, the skin and muscles (mostly the neck muscle - platysma) lose tone. The muscle fibers separate. A double chin forms, and the skin of the neck begins to sag unsightly.

This process is accelerated by the weakening of subcutaneous tissue due to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin with age.

Excess fat also contributes. Loose in its structure, it gives the neck looseness and, with its heaviness, additionally stretches the skin.

There are other reasons too.

  1. Sharp weight loss. First, fat accumulates in the neck area. After losing weight, it disappears, but the skin remains stretched.
Features of the facial structure. For example, a short length of the lower jaw, a small chin, and a low location of the hyoid bone lead to early sagging of soft tissues, then a flabby neck and chin appear before the age of 30.

Whatever the reasons for a sagging chin and neck, it does not add attractiveness and grace to the face.

How to tighten your neck at home

Does skin care help tone your neck? These tips will help you tighten your skin and muscles in the initial stages.

  1. To eliminate sagging neck skin, you need to drink at least 2 liters a day of ordinary clean water - it maintains hydration and increases the elasticity of soft tissues.

After exercise, throughout the day, you should take short minutes of rest.

Moisturizing and nourishing creams that suit your skin type should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck. On the front and back surfaces of the neck, the cream is applied from bottom to top - from the collarbones to the chin. Along the sides of the neck - down, from the ears to the shoulders.

Keep your weight under control. Fat stretches the skin, which does not shrink even after losing weight. Correctly selected gymnastics for the neck tones and helps at an early stage.

As for physical strength loads, you should not overexert the platysma and lift weights. Platysma is a delicate muscle. You will be able to pump up your neck, but at the same time there will be problems with cords - vertical lines on the front surface of the neck.

Straining the neck, for example when lifting weights, leads to the development of unsightly vertical bands

How to get rid of loose skin on the neck using cosmetic methods

At initial signs of sagging can be helped by mesotherapy, biorevitalization, mesobotox, lipolytic injections, placement of mesothreads and thread lifting. Myostimulating procedures have a good effect.