Substances that give light brown and similar color

They say that the juice of fresh Nabataean cane, peeled from the bark, if you light a fire over it on the side, stains like gold, and the same effect as the rust of iron with a solution of vitriol, if you keep it on your hair, like henna. Either they take an equal amount of henna, wine grounds and ratiyanaja and a little aromatic rush and dye their hair with it, or they take henna and dye it with it, having first mixed it with a decoction of kachima.

They say they also dye with alum, asfarak, saffron, myrrh or red lead, leaving the dye on the hair one day and one night, and sometimes this is repeated for several days; if you smear the hair with lupine mixed with vinegar several times, it turns red. Or they take grated lupine - ten dirhams, myrrh - five dirhams, dyers' salt, that is, red lead - three dirhams, dried burnt wine grounds - three dirhams and water with vine ash - the required amount.

Strong coloring agent. They take sumac - two ukiyas, galls - three ukiyas, yellow marigolds - two ukiyas, adiantum - two bunches, bitter wormwood - a bunch, peeled dry lupine - two handfuls, pound, soak for several days in ten ritls of water and then put a bandage of of this composition while it is warm.

They say that eating and pumping, boiled in water for a long time, is a strong coloring agent. They also say: Take wine grounds, burnt or unburnt, and mix with bana oil or rush oil.