Westphal-Goldflam Paralysis

Westphal-Goldflam paralysis: history, symptoms and treatment

Westphal-Goldflam palsy, also known as Goldflam-Westphal palsy, is a rare neurological disorder that was first described by German psychiatrist and neurologist Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal in 1875 and then described in more detail by his student, Polish neurologist Samuel Goldflam in 1887.

Westphal-Goldflam palsy is a neurological disorder that manifests itself in the loss of the ability to control muscle movements by volition. This movement disorder manifests itself primarily in the muscles responsible for eye movement and swallowing. However, it then spreads to other muscles, which can lead to paralysis of the arms, legs and other parts of the body.

Symptoms of Westphal-Goldflam palsy may include:

  1. Ocular movement disorders such as limited eye movement, double vision, and eye tremors.
  2. Swallowing problems, such as difficulty swallowing liquids and solid foods.
  3. Paresis of the muscles of the head, neck, arms and legs.
  4. Speech disorders such as dysphonia, dysarthria and aphasia.
  5. Sensory disturbances in the face and body.

While the exact causes of Westphal-Goldflam palsy are unknown, some research has linked it to damage to the nervous system, such as head trauma or an infectious disease.

Treatment for Westphal-Goldflam palsy may include physical therapy to strengthen muscles and improve coordination, as well as medication to reduce symptoms. In some cases, surgery may be required to restore muscle function.

In conclusion, Westphal-Goldflam palsy is a rare neurological disorder that results in the loss of the ability to control muscle movements by volition. Although its causes are unknown, treatment may include physical therapy, medications and, in some cases, surgery. If you notice symptoms of Westphal-Goldflam palsy, contact your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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