Winds and swelling in the spleen

Swelling in the spleen is manifested by the fact that tension and hardening are felt in it and a protrusion is observed, which resolves when pressed with rumbling and belching, but there is no heaviness, as with tumors.

Treatment. Know that the medicines suitable for the treatment of hardening of the spleen are similar in strength to those suitable for the treatment of bloating. With swelling, tearing, cleansing and dissolving agents are also needed with a powerful binding force, greater than the force of dissolution, because the matter here is light, windy, and this is the opposite of what happens with tumors. Along with this, there are medicines against bloating that are more similar to such matter, have a stronger effect on it and are better suited for it, for example, twig, cumin, rue seed, azhgon and the like; Applying cans of fire to the spleen also brings great benefits from this.

The patient should fast and eat food not at once, but separately, in very small quantities, and, if possible, not drink water, but drink little by little old, liquid, bitter nabeez. He should not go to bed until his stomach is light, and if, after the stomach is full, he experiences pain, either at night or during the day, let him press on his stomach over and over again and let him contrive to force a bowel movement and then lie down. If this does not help, then they give him a poultice.

If you know that there is a lot of black gall matter and it swells due to its abundance, then empty it. For drinking medicines, this kind of cakes are used: they take white cress - thirty dirhams, pound, sift, knead in hot wine vinegar and make thin, small cakes. They are baked in a bread oven or in a frying pan until they are dry, but not burnt. First, before baking, they take thirty dirhams of medicine for the flatbreads, grind them, mix in the seeds of tamarisk and tamarisk fruits - five parts each, as well as scolopendra - seven parts and turn it all into flatbreads; At one time they give you three dirhams to drink in sikanjubin. Twig cakes also help with this.

Or they take tamarisk galls - ten dirhams, horehound seeds - ten dirhams, chicory seeds and purslane seeds - five dirhams each, and turn them into flat cakes; At one time they drink three dirhams with sugar sikanjubin. Sometimes it is useful for such a patient to drink a misqal of prutnyak, azhgon, caper root bark, dry rue and calamus with old wine or with a decoction of medicines that benefit him.

As for rubbing and medicinal dressings, the oils include wormwood oil, spikenard oil and bush oil, and the plasters include a plaster made from sulfur, alum, soda, zift and opopanax. Medicinal dressings are, for example, those mentioned in the previous paragraphs, such as, say, a dressing of figs and vinegar with rue, soda, sweet grass seeds, sweet clover and chamomile. For lotions, use the vinegar in which these medicines were boiled, mainly if they are used on pieces of felt, as we mentioned above; Vinegar in which fresh capers, cabbage, tamarisk fruits, scolopendra, twig leaves, cypress cones and rue were boiled was especially useful. If they want the effect to be strong, and the patient does not have a fever, then in the medicines for lotions they put ushshak, bdelium and the like, as well as mint, rue, ushna and bavrak, which were boiled in vinegar with a small amount of alum. Nutrition for such a disease is the same as it is said about other diseases.