
Vibramycin is an antibiotic of the tetracycline group.

Manufacturers: Krka (Slovenia), Polfa (Poland), Pfizer (Belgium).

International name: Doxycycline.

Dosage forms: capsules 100 mg, syrup 10 mg/ml, solution for oral administration, solution for injection 100 mg, powder for injection 100 mg and 200 mg.

Indications for use: infections caused by intracellular pathogens, rickettsia, borrelia, infectious diseases (Q fever, borreliosis, cholera, etc.), infections of the ENT organs, respiratory tract, urinary system, skin and soft tissues.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, severe diseases of the liver, hematopoietic system, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, photosensitivity.

Special instructions: monitoring of blood composition, liver and kidney function is necessary; Avoid direct sun exposure.