
A scarifier spear is a single-use instrument for piercing the skin of a finger to obtain a blood sample. It is a strip of stainless steel with a pointed end.

The scarifier-spear is used to obtain a small amount of capillary blood necessary for various laboratory tests. The sharp tip pierces the skin, allowing you to obtain a drop of blood in a painless and sterile manner.

The advantage of a spear scarifier is that it allows you to obtain blood without damaging deep-lying tissues and vessels. Unlike needles, which pierce all the way through the skin, a scarifier creates only a superficial cut. This makes the procedure virtually painless.

After use, the scarifier-spear is disposed of as medical waste, which eliminates the possibility of contracting infectious diseases. Due to its one-time use, the blood collection procedure using a scarifier is completely sterile and safe.

A scarifier is an instrument that is used to collect blood samples by piercing the skin. It is a strip of stainless steel, pointed at the end. The scarifier is a one-time use as it must be thrown away after use.

A scarifier spear is a type of scarifier that has a pointed end that makes it easy to pierce the skin. It is used to draw blood from a finger prick, which may be necessary in various medical and scientific studies.

When using a scarifier spear, certain safety rules must be followed. First, you must use sterile instruments and clean your hands before starting the procedure. Secondly, you need to be careful not to damage the skin or cause bleeding. Finally, after use, the lance scarifier must be disposed of properly to avoid the spread of infections.

Overall, a scarifier spear is a necessary tool for taking a blood sample. However, its use must be strictly controlled and safe.