Vibrio carriage

Vibrio carrying is parasitism of cholera vibrios in the human body, not accompanied by pronounced clinical symptoms of the disease. Vibrios can live in a person's intestines and not cause any symptoms, but they can be dangerous to a person's health and even life.

Vibrios cholerae are the causative agents of cholera, which is one of the most dangerous and common infectious diseases in the world. Cholera can cause serious complications such as dehydration, heart and kidney problems, and death.

Vibrios enter the human body through water or food that has been contaminated with vibrios. Vibrios multiply rapidly in the human intestine, causing diarrhea and dehydration. If a person does not receive timely treatment, vibrios can spread throughout the body, which can lead to dangerous consequences.

To prevent vibrating infection, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and consume only clean water and food. It is also important to get regular medical checkups and seek medical help if cholera symptoms appear.

Vibrio carriage

**Vibrio carrier** is the parasitism of cholera flora in the human body without the appearance of pronounced clinical signs. The process can manifest itself in different ways - from erased forms to a mild course with subsequent recovery or the transition of carrier status to a chronic course. Vibrio, which has entered the human body, then infects enterocytes.

Some epidemiologists believe that the main factor determining the need for early diagnosis is the ability of the pathogen to multiply under unfavorable conditions. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the vibrio, under the influence of certain environmental factors, can move to the next stage of infection: mitosis. It is thanks to this process that the concentration of vibrios in the intestines increases, and they begin to secrete exoenzymes toxins. In this case, acute intestinal infection becomes a carrier form. As nutrition changes, the nutrition of moving carriers is usually activated without causing accumulation, since the main mechanisms of interaction are determined only in small quantities and quantities.