HIV and AIDS: Is there Contact?

Therefore, whether HIV exists and whether it (the human immunodeficiency virus) is the initial stage of AIDS, world-famous scientists argue even in the 3rd millennium. Meanwhile, the plague of the 20th century continues to take human lives unchecked.

Historical connection between the syndrome (AIDS) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Diagnoses that sound like a death sentence, diseases that slowly kill - first psychologically and then physically - were discovered relatively recently. American homosexuals first turned to traditional medicine for help with unexplained long-term symptoms in 1979. Although positive (seropositive) AIDS blood sera from residents of Zaire and Uganda were discovered by all immunological tests back in 1959. After careful research in 1981, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States reported the identification of 5 cases of Pneumocystis pneumonia and 28 cases of Kaposi's sarcoma in young homosexuals in Los Angeles and New York. The following year, the concept of “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome” (AIDS) was introduced - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

AIDS is a pathological condition in which the body's defenses are weakened as a result of damage to the immune system.

At the same time, AIDS was called the disease of the four “Hs”: in capital letters of the English words - homosexuals, hemophiliacs, Haitians and heroin. This is how the first risk groups for contracting an unknown deadly disease were identified.

In 1983, the French scientist L. Montagnier at the Pastor Institute discovered a virus in a lymph node removed from an infected homosexual and named it LAV (lymphadenopathy associated virus). At the same time, the American R. Gallo at the National Cancer Institute (USA) isolated a retrovirus from the blood of an AIDS patient, which he identified as Human T-lymphotropic virus type III. Already in 1986, the Committee on Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Viruses considered it appropriate to rename the studied deadly AIDS virus HIV (HIV).

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is an infectious disease with a blood-contact mechanism of infection, which is characterized by damage to the immune system, as a result of which infections progress and malignant tumors form.

In 1986, R. Montagnier continued research into the terrible disease and discovered a new virus, HIV-2, in the blood of two patients suffering from AIDS. After this, a number of scientists suggested that both viruses existed before the discovery of AIDS.

Thus, in the second half of the 80s. The primacy of HIV over AIDS has been scientifically proven. But a group of researchers still refuses to acknowledge the direct connection between HIV and AIDS, saying that the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are different diseases with different pathogens, symptoms, consequences and treatment methods.

AIDS as the final stage of HIV

Historically, the incurable disease that became the plague of the 20th century was originally called AIDS and, after much research, was renamed HIV. The concept of AIDS was retained to name the final stage of the disease.

Scientifically substantiate the cause-and-effect relationship between AIDS and HIV and the discovery of retroviruses. It has been experimentally proven that retroviruses cause a disease in monkeys that resembles AIDS in humans in symptoms. African green monkey virus is common, but does not have a harmful effect on animals. Scientists suggest that monkey retroviruses are the genetic origin of the human immunodeficiency virus.

The existence of HIV is primarily confirmed by symptoms:

  1. fever, malaise (more than 1 month);

  2. impaired memory, orientation, fatigue, depression;

  3. pain in the throat, muscles, joints;

  4. diarrhea (more than 1 month), repeated or persistent bacterial, fungal