Fitness For Housewives

Fitness for housewives

In most cases, a housewife is a woman who combines several professions at once: a cleaner, a dishwasher, and someone who is responsible for the availability of food in the refrigerator (for which you still need to go to the store, and when you return home with heavy bags, cook something from the obtained products delicious, wash the dishes, wash the clothes, iron them), and so on and so forth. A woman who chooses to work at home bears the entire burden of housekeeping on her fragile shoulders.

At the end of such a working day, my whole back hurts. And the only desire that haunts me like an obsession is to lie down to rest. There is no time or energy left for fitness. And some believe that fitness is not needed at all in such a situation, since there is already more than enough physical activity.

However, fitness classes are not only useful, but also simply necessary in such cases. Since targeted strengthening of muscles requires certain means and methods of influencing them.

Today we offer an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and arms, muscles that are most often used when shopping in the absence of a car or any other help. To do this you will need a rubber expander.

Take your starting position: standing on the mat, one leg is in front and slightly bent, and the other is behind, straightened and with the entire foot on the floor. The abdominal and back muscles are tense, the head is positioned straight. Under the leg (located in front) there is one end of a rubber expander, the other end is held by the hand lowered down (Photo 1).

From the starting position, while exhaling, first the shoulder blades are brought together, and then the hand holding the expander pulls it towards the belt, while the elbow bends slightly (Photo 2). The more the arm bends at the elbow joint, the more the load shifts to the arm muscles.

Then, as you inhale, first lower your arm and then spread your shoulder blades.

In the first classes, fatigue should occur between 15-20 repetitions. Fatigue should then set in between 10-15 repetitions; to achieve this, you can fold the rubber band in two or three layers.

Perform first 2-3, and then 3-4 approaches and do not allow severe burning pain while performing the exercise. Otherwise, the muscles may increase slightly in volume, which is not always beneficial for women.

It is useful to stretch your back muscles in between sets. To do this, from the starting position - in a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart - bend one of your legs and raise your arm of the same name to eye level, slightly bending it at the elbow. Take your bent arm by the wrist and pull it forward and to the side (diagonally), gently rounding your back. Hold for 5-15 seconds and return to the starting position. Stretch the other muscle in the same way (Photo 3).

Good luck!