Death View

Type of Death: Forensic Medical Classification Category

In forensic medical practice, one of the important aspects is the classification of death. It allows you to determine the cause of death, as well as identify circumstances that could influence its occurrence. One of the classification categories is the type of death.

Type of death is a category of forensic medical classification of death, which is distinguished based on the nature of the direct external influence that caused violent death (mechanical asphyxia, trauma, poisoning, etc.), or the immediate cause of non-violent death.

Mechanical asphyxia is a type of death that occurs as a result of respiratory failure caused by mechanical compression of the larynx or bronchi. It can be caused by suffocation, drowning, suffocation, hanging, etc.

Trauma is a type of death that occurs as a result of damage to body tissue caused by external influences. It can be caused by a blow, a fall, a gunshot wound, etc.

Poisoning is a type of death that occurs as a result of exposure to toxic substances in the body. It can be caused by eating poisonous plants, animals or chemicals.

In addition, the type of death may be due to a nonviolent cause, such as natural death due to illness or old age.

Classification of modes of death is an important tool for justice and medicine. It allows not only to determine the cause of death, but also to identify circumstances that could influence its occurrence. This is of great importance when investigating crimes and drawing up medical reports.

Type of death is a category of forensic medical classification of death, identified on the basis of the nature of the direct external influence that caused violent death (mechanical asphyxia, trauma, poisoning, etc.), or the immediate cause of non-violent death.

The type of death is determined by a forensic expert based on data from a forensic medical examination of the corpse and materials from a criminal or civil case. Establishing the type of death has important forensic and procedural significance.

Depending on the nature of the external influence that caused death, the following types of death are distinguished: mechanical asphyxia, death from mechanical damage, death from acute blood loss, death from exposure to physical factors (electricity, high and low temperature, high and low pressure), death from exposure chemical factors (poisoning), death from exposure to biological factors (insect bites, snake bites, etc.), death from the combined effects of various factors.

In non-violent death, the type of death is determined by the nature of the disease or pathological condition that directly led to death.