Types of stretch marks on legs

On the path to perfection, modern women have to face many problems. Among them there is one that is found not only among representatives of the fair half of humanity, but even among men and children. These are stretch marks on the body that occur as a result of various factors. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of them, but it is quite possible to make them less noticeable. Salon procedures, cosmetics, folk remedies, medications and physical exercises that can be performed at home help solve this problem.

What are stretch marks on legs

Striae on the legs (in common parlance – stretch marks) are defects on the skin that appear, depending on age, in the form of white, pink or blue stripes. In essence, these are scars resulting from microtraumas, ruptures of the upper layers of subcutaneous tissue. Outwardly, they look like “scars” of torn edges and connective tissue between them, differing in length and width. A single appearance of stretch marks is extremely rare; more often they appear in groups. Pink (red), purple or blue color of stretch marks on the legs indicates that they appeared no more than a year ago.

As a rule, young scars itch, which indicates the process of regeneration of damaged fibers. It is easier to fight such stretch marks and you can do it even at home. White “scars” on the legs are already healed lesions that are more than a year old, and therefore folk remedies and cosmetic creams will only help narrow them down a little. Tanning also does not help eliminate such a defect, since melanin is not produced at the sites of breaks, and the skin does not darken at all. It is possible to make stretch marks almost invisible only in a salon setting.

Why do they appear?

The most common opinion about the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the inner and outer thighs and calves is a sharp change in weight in a larger direction. As a result of the sudden accumulation of a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the skin fibers do not have time to stretch and therefore tear. Also, the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks may be:

  1. increased physical activity or lack thereof;
  2. fast weight loss;
  3. changes in hormonal balance in the body, including as a result of puberty in adolescence;
  4. malfunction of the pancreas;
  5. pregnancy, lactation period (for women), during this time stretch marks often appear on the knees;
  6. obesity;
  7. problems with the endocrine system;
  8. long-term use of medications belonging to the glucocorticoid group;
  9. hereditary, genetic predisposition;
  10. use of anabolic steroids, sharp gain of muscle mass (for athletes);
  11. intensive growth;
  12. eating disorder;
  13. adrenal hyperplasia;
  14. the presence of Marfan or Ehlers-Danlos syndromes;
  15. lack of collagen, elastin, vitamins and essential microelements.

How to remove stretch marks on legs

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is necessary to carry out prevention to maintain skin elasticity in the form of proper nutrition, the use of a contrast shower, and moisturizing creams in problem areas. It will not be possible to get rid of existing stretch marks on the legs overnight; this will require time and an integrated approach or the help of a specialist. Before selecting an effective treatment method, it is important to determine the type of stretch marks.

To combat young stretch marks in any part of the legs, you need to balance your diet, do water douches and exercise, use special cosmetics (scrubs) and methods (wraps, peeling). You can use traditional medicine (masks, creams, oils) and medications (Kontratubeks, Mederma). A dermatologist-cosmetologist will help you cope with old scars on your legs by prescribing a number of salon procedures: mesotherapy, laser peeling, massage.

Treatment at home

You can combat stretch marks on any part of the legs at home using several methods that must be used in combination. The most important thing is to balance your diet, for this you need:

  1. Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water without gas every day. This will help prevent dehydration, premature aging of the skin, maintain its elasticity and prevent the appearance of new stretch marks.
  2. There are different types of meat, liver, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, dairy products. They promote weight loss, maintain normal weight, and prevent the occurrence of stretch marks on the legs.
  3. Avoid fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods, sweet carbonated drinks and fast food dishes, which contribute to excess weight gain, which often provokes the appearance of stretch marks on the surface of the skin of the legs.
  4. Eat citrus fruits or drink ascorbic acid. Vitamin C promotes collagen production and normalization of metabolism.
  5. Take medications with fish oil, vitamins A, E, and zinc.

After reviewing your diet and changing your diet, proceed to other methods for eliminating stretch marks at home. These include:

Baths with different types of clays, essential oils

Cleanses, tones, refreshes the skin, helps eliminate toxins

Perform mechanical cleaning, open pores, prepare the epidermis for applying creams

Impact on problem areas with special compounds

Foot wraps

Saturates with nutrients, enhances collagen production, improves skin tone

Nourish and moisturize the skin.

Smoothes, nourishes the skin, improves its texture

Medicinal cream for stretch marks on legs, ointment

Eliminate scars, promote cell regeneration

Self-massage (vacuum cupping, manual)

It is carried out using various compositions, massage oils, promotes tissue regeneration and eliminates cellulite

Performed after taking a bath using a massage brush. The method helps improve blood circulation and improve skin tone.


Physical exercise will also help remove stretch marks on your calves, knees, and outer and inner thighs. Lunges and squats are considered the most effective, but if for health reasons you cannot do them, do others. For example, these exercises:

  1. Birch. Lie on the floor, lift your legs using your abdominal muscles and place them behind your head, supporting yourself with your hands. Support your torso with your hands in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, straighten your legs to a vertical position. The support should be on your elbows, touching the floor only with the back of your head, shoulder blades and elbows. Freeze in this position for at least half a minute. Return to the starting position.
  2. Lifting legs with minimal amplitude. Lying on the floor, raise your straight legs 20 cm from the surface, fixate for 10-15 seconds and lower them just as slowly. Do 3 reps.
  3. Alternate leg lifts. Starting position – lying on the floor, the whole body pressed to the surface. Raise one leg to an angle of 45-60 degrees, hold for a couple of seconds, lower. Do the same movement with the second limb. Do 3 sets of 15 lifts on each leg.
  4. Leg raises while lying on your stomach. Lie on your stomach, press against the floor. Alternately raise your legs to the maximum height possible for you, then lower them. Do 30 repetitions for each limb.
  5. Lifts from the half-bridge position. Lying on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle, lift your pelvis. Leaning with one foot on the floor, lift the other up and lower it after 5 seconds. Do 2 sets of 20 reps for each leg.

Salon treatments

If the stretch marks are old, home methods do not help you, or you want to get rid of stretch marks as soon as possible, seek help from a specialist. This could be a cosmetologist in a salon or a dermatologist in a clinic. The following procedures have proven themselves well in the fight against stretch marks:

It is carried out by administering vitamin and nutritional injections to the client, the composition of which is selected individually. Course – 7-15 procedures.

  1. long lasting effect;
  2. increasing skin elasticity;
  3. elimination of stretch marks, cellulite;
  4. requires little time for preparation, implementation and rehabilitation
  1. soreness;
  2. risk of complications (swelling, skin necrosis, allergies);
  3. expensive

A specialist uses a laser to treat scars. There are two types of therapy: superficial (peeling), aimed at eliminating young stretch marks, and deep (resurfacing), which copes with any stretch marks.

  1. no side effects;
  2. the result is noticeable after 1 procedure;
  3. can be performed on several areas of the body at once;
  4. leaves almost no damage
  1. high price;
  2. need to take a course

The cosmetologist makes a controlled burn on the problem area using special chemicals, as a result of which intensive cell restoration begins. The procedure can be superficial, middle and deep.

  1. stimulates collagen production;
  2. evens out the color and structure of the skin, increases its elasticity;
  3. stimulates the growth of new blood vessels
  1. the procedure is expensive;
  2. there is a risk of new scars, redness and hyperpigmentation

They are carried out using kelp or spirulina, pre-soaked in warm water. Seaweed is applied to areas with stretch marks, and then the legs are wrapped in plastic wrap for an hour. Course – 12 procedures.

  1. affordable cost of the procedure;
  2. Possibility of doing it at home
  1. wraps affect the upper layers of the epidermis;
  2. not effective for old stretch marks

It is used when the skin is very sagging and can only be restored by removal.

  1. helps get rid of the oldest, deepest stretch marks
  1. expensive;
  2. need to stay in hospital for at least 3 days

Folk remedies

In the fight against stretch marks, remedies prepared according to traditional medicine recipes have proven themselves well. The following drugs are effective in the treatment of striae:

  1. Oil mixture used during massage. Mix ¼ cup of avocado oil with rosemary, jasmine, neroli, lavender, red rosemary esters, taken 10 drops each. Leave for a day in a dark place, use with each procedure.
  2. Mix for chocolate wraps. For it you need to melt a bar of dark chocolate, mix with 1 tsp. olive oil. The mixture should be applied to areas with stretch marks, wrapped in film and covered with a blanket. Wash off after 40 minutes, do every day until the desired result is achieved.
  3. A scrub made from sugar, salt, taken in equal proportions, and a few drops of oil (linseed, peach, sesame, etc.). Apply the mixture to the skin and scrub it with massage movements. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse off.
  4. Mask against stretch marks. Melt two squares of dark chocolate and, after cooling, pour into a blender bowl. Add a glass of coffee grounds, ½ cup each of honey and potato starch, 0.5 tsp. salt, stir. Apply the mixture to stretch marks, leave for 0.5 hours, then rinse.
  5. Oil-vitamin composition of 5 drops of vitamin A, 10 drops of vitamin E, aloe and olive oils, taken in equal quantities. The mixture should be applied to problem areas twice a day.


The fight against stretch marks is a long process, and in some cases very expensive. To avoid using the above methods on yourself, prevent the appearance of “scars” by following the following recommendations:

  1. eat right;
  2. watch your weight;
  3. do self-massage or visit a massage therapist;
  4. drink plenty of fluids;
  5. play sports, do physical exercises;
  6. use moisturizing, nourishing creams, gels (special ones for pregnant women);
  7. Wear compression garments during pregnancy;
  8. take a contrast shower, herbal baths, douse yourself;
  9. take care of your skin.

Photo of stretch marks on legs



Milena, 25 years old I developed stretch marks after the birth of my child. Thank God they are small, because during pregnancy I used special creams. Now, while the stretch marks are still young, I decided to try a folk remedy made from baby cream mixed with crushed mummy tablets. I’ve been using it for a month, and there is a result - the scars have become smaller.

Katerina, 23 years old During pregnancy, I used Our Mom cream, which a relative gave me. I smeared it on my stomach, and from the age of 3 months on my chest, but not on my legs. For some reason I thought that there would be no stretch marks there. As a result, the skin on the abdomen remained smooth, without damage, and disgusting scars formed on the thighs, with which nothing can be done.

Svetlana, 29 years old After giving birth, I tried to restore my skin using anti-stretch mark cream gel from Avon. After three months of using the product, the scars became lighter, smaller in size, and therefore almost invisible. It’s unlikely that I’ll be able to completely get rid of them, but I was pleased with the result, I’ll continue to use the cream, it’s also inexpensive.

Stretch marks (striae) are a cosmetic defect in the form of pink or red-violet scar stripes. It appears in places of greatest extensibility of the skin (abdomen, chest, legs). Over time, the stretch marks become discolored, but do not disappear. To combat stretch marks, laser skin resurfacing, wraps, peelings and other methods are used.

Why do stretch marks appear?

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks can be:

  1. hormonal imbalance (hormones of the thyroid, gonads, and adrenal glands predominate) leads to a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, the fibers tear, and a scar forms in their place;
  2. overstretching of the skin (pregnancy, juvenile hypercortisolism, sudden weight gain, rapid growth of children, in athletes taking anabolic hormones);
  3. taking hormonal medications;
  4. stretch marks can be a symptom of a number of diseases (Cushing's disease, Marfan syndrome, hypercortisolism).

Are striae dangerous to health?

Stretch marks on the calves are a cosmetic defect that does not cause physical harm to health, but causes aesthetic inconvenience. Their occurrence can be prevented by following these recommendations:

  1. monitor your diet and avoid severe weight fluctuations;
  2. take a contrast shower;
  3. use creams with collagen-elastin complex, vitamins C, A, E;
  4. massage problem areas with basic and essential oils;
  5. practice seaweed and mud wraps;
  6. use special creams to prevent stretch marks. The creams include:
  1. collagen;
  2. amino acids;
  3. moisturizing components (hyaluronic acid, aloe juice);
  4. vitamin and mineral complexes;
  5. protein hydrolysates.
use scrubs, especially coffee scrubs; use vegetable oils (wheat germ, avocado, cocoa, etc.); exercise; take baths with sea salt, kelp, orange essential oil; During pregnancy, you should perform self-massage with vegetable oils, wear special bras and bandages.

Conditions for the effectiveness of the fight against stretch marks

It is difficult to get rid of stretch marks on your own, especially old and deep ones.

Remember how to remove stretch marks on legs:

  1. start fighting striae when you notice the first signs;
  2. carry out complex therapy (it is necessary to combine different treatment methods);
  3. keep your spirits up and stick to your chosen course for at least a month.

Methods for getting rid of stretch marks

There are many procedures to get rid of stretch marks, including:

  1. ozone therapy;
  2. mesotherapy;
  3. wraps;
  4. microdermabrasion;
  5. chemical peeling;
  6. microcurrent therapy;
  7. massage;
  8. laser therapy;
  9. plastic surgery;
  10. radiofrequency lifting.

Each of the procedures has its own contraindications - before carrying out them, you should consult a doctor and then adhere to the course prescribed by him.

Aesthetic cosmetology procedures

There are many salon methods to combat stretch marks. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The table shows popular procedures.

average cost

Biologically active substances are injected under the skin.

Safety, lasting effect, possibility of combination with other procedures.

Contraindicated for a number of diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology, chronic diseases, etc.)

Skin resurfacing using trichloroacetic and fruit acids.

Can be done at home, improves skin condition.

Effective only on fresh stretch marks. There are contraindications.

The affected areas are leveled and polished with a laser beam

Effective in getting rid of old stretch marks.

There are many contraindications. Expensive treatment.

External medicinal and cosmetic products

Popular remedies for stretch marks:

  1. Cream Mama Comfort. The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. The cream helps skin regeneration and prevents atrophy. Cost: from 350 rubles.
  2. WELEDA oil. Contains wheat germ, jojoba, sweet almond oils, vitamins E, arnica extract. Increases skin firmness and elasticity, nourishes. Price: 1500 rub.
  3. Cream GERnetic BODY ANTI-STRIES. The composition includes an antioxidant complex, amino acids, and algae enzymes. An effective remedy for the treatment of stretch marks. Strengthens and restores tissue. Costs on average 2000 rubles.
  4. Pregnacare cream. Highly effective product. Contains panthenol, vitamins E, C, medicinal plants. Heals and soothes the skin. Price: from 500 rubles.


Wraps are a procedure in which a greenhouse effect is created in certain areas of the body, due to which toxins and waste are removed from the body, blood circulation is improved, and products applied to the skin penetrate deeply into the tissues, where they have a therapeutic effect. In salon conditions, hot wraps are used to combat stretch marks. The method is effective for fresh stretch marks. The average price per session is 3,000 rubles.

Wraps are divided according to composition:

  1. With oils. A mixture of various oils is used for the procedure. The following oils are considered effective in the fight against stretch marks: coconut, olive, wheat germ, almond, lemon, lavender, and juniper oils.
  2. With honey. The substance tightens the skin, strengthens the body as a whole, and actively fights cellulite and stretch marks.
  3. With chocolate mixture. The product contains mineral salts, proteins, and minerals. Improves metabolic processes and blood circulation, moisturizes, relaxes the nervous system.
  4. With algae is one of the most effective remedies for stretch marks. Algae contain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements. When wrapped with seaweed, skin renewal is activated, toxins and excess fluid are removed.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks at home?

If you have stretch marks on your thighs, you can try to get rid of them at home using five proven methods:

  1. Self-massage – it is better to use olive oil or a mixture of oils as a massage oil. Technique: massage the affected areas of the skin with pinches until slightly reddened.
  2. Water procedures - contrast shower. When bathing, alternate washing with cold and warm water. The water change should be repeated 5 times. The water temperature must be reduced gradually.
  3. Scrubs are mechanical peeling of the skin. Conducted 1-2 times a week. A scrub (coffee grounds with a small amount of shower gel) is applied to the skin and rubbed with massaging vertical movements upward from the knee to the buttocks.
  4. Wrap – hot using base and essential oils, clay, algae or coffee. The problem area is treated with a medicinal composition, after which the area is wrapped in plastic film. For the best effect, lie under a blanket. The duration of the procedure depends on the composition used for the wrap.
  5. Creams – you can use ready-made creams and ointments or prepare them yourself. One of the effective creams is with mumiyo. For preparation you need: 4 grams of mumiyo, 10 ml of warm water, 100 g of any body cream. Preparation: mumiyo is soaked in water, mixed until smooth. Added to cream. To stir thoroughly. The cream for stretch marks is ready. Course – every day for 2 weeks.

In the fight against stretch marks, regularity of treatment procedures is of great importance. There will be a positive effect only if the required course and its frequency are followed.


Various diseases, periods of hormonal changes, a sharp increase in muscle or fat mass can provoke the appearance of stretch marks or, in other words, stretch marks. No one is immune from the occurrence of such an unpleasant cosmetic defect. Information on how to remove stretch marks on the legs and stomach does not lose its relevance.

What are striae?

Striae are an unpleasant cosmetic defect that can occur on almost any part of the dermis, regardless of the person’s age and gender. Excessive, sharp stretching of the skin, which leads to the appearance of microtraumas of the skin, resulting in the appearance of areas of skin atrophy in the form of stripes. Depending on the stage of development, stretch marks can be red, blue (purple) or white.

Most often, stretch marks occur in the following areas:

To eliminate the defect, it is necessary to resort to cosmetic or surgical methods.

Factors for the appearance of stretch marks on the legs

What causes stretch marks on legs? There are a number of provoking factors that result in the formation of atrophic stripes in women and men. The causes of stretch marks on the legs are as follows:

  1. Drug therapy with local drugs, in particular corticosteroids. One of the side effects of this treatment is inhibition of collagen synthesis.
  2. Genetic predisposition to the appearance of atrophic stripes. The likelihood of a cosmetic defect occurring in a person with a family history of stretch marks is quite high.
  3. Stretch marks appear on the legs during adolescence, namely during puberty. Intense changes occurring in the body under the influence of hormones provoke a growth spurt, which can lead to the appearance of atrophic stripes on the legs.
  4. A sharp gain in muscle mass. The factor affects athletes who build muscle mass through intense physical activity in a short period of time. Striae may also appear during stretching.
  5. Obesity. Striae affect the organisms of people who, due to various circumstances, have dramatically gained weight in a short period of time, gaining fat mass.

Despite the fact that the main reason for the development of stretch marks on the legs and abdomen is excessive stretching of the subcutaneous tissue and skin, the occurrence of a cosmetic defect is also due to a genetic predisposition.

Stretch mark color

Regardless of the number and location of atrophic stripes, this phenomenon does not relate to a disease, but to a cosmetic defect. Striae especially cause inconvenience to the fair sex. Reddish stripes on the legs do not look aesthetically pleasing and make it much more difficult to choose an outfit on hot days, especially for going to the beach.

What do stretch marks on legs look like, and why are they different colors? The color of stretch marks is a sign that determines their age and is taken into account when planning a method for removing a cosmetic defect. What color are atrophic stripes?

Preventing the appearance of atrophic stripes is much easier than getting rid of them later. However, provided that the procedures are started in a timely manner, it is possible to cope with a cosmetic defect as effectively and quickly as possible, restoring the beauty and healthy appearance of the skin.

Methods for eliminating stretch marks

How to get rid of stretch marks on legs? The main condition in the fight against atrophic stripes is timeliness. Elimination of the defect should begin from the moment when the first signs of stretch marks begin to appear. This will ensure high efficiency and quality of procedures.

Cosmetology offers a number of methods aimed at getting rid of an unaesthetic defect, namely:

  1. Laser therapy. Depending on the extent of the cosmetic defect, the type of skin and the age of the stretch marks, laser exposure will help completely eliminate or make atrophic stripes less noticeable in just a few sessions.
  2. The use of ointments, creams, serums, lotions and other cosmetic products will prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, as well as make them less noticeable or completely eliminate them (provided they are of low prevalence and timely use).
  3. Mesotherapy will help eliminate stretch marks on the legs due to hormonal changes and other factors. This is a method that activates collagen synthesis in atrophic stripes. A set of procedures will ensure the density of the damaged skin area and natural color.

To determine how to get rid of all stretch marks on your legs, you will need to consult a cosmetologist. He will identify the cause of the appearance of stretch marks and give recommendations on each method regarding its effectiveness and safety.

Cosmetic products for stretch marks

How to remove red stretch marks without resorting to salon procedures? Small, “fresh” red stretch marks on the legs can be eliminated at home using cosmetic products. The most effective means, the action of which is aimed at eliminating atrophic stripes, include the following:

  1. Oil from Mambino Organics perfectly tones, activates regeneration, moisturizes the skin and normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level.

How to get rid of red stretch marks? Eliminating atrophic stripes at the initial stage with the help of creams is the simplest and most cost-effective method, the use of which is available at home.

You should not wait for purple or discolored scars to appear; the fight against a cosmetic defect must begin as early as possible. Only in this case will the maximum and high-quality result be achieved.