Vikasol (Vitamin K3)

Vikasol (vitamin K3) is an important element in the process of blood clotting. It is involved in the formation of prothrombin and helps normalize the blood clotting process. In this article we will look at the indications for the use of Vikasol, its method of use and dosage, contraindications and release form.

Indications for the use of Vikasol include bleeding that can occur with jaundice and hepatitis, wounds, surgical interventions, stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as prolonged nosebleeds.

The method of application and dosage of Vikasol depend on the age of the patient. Adults are prescribed 0.015-0.03 g per day. Children under 1 year of age are prescribed 0.002-0.005 g, up to 2 years - 0.006 g, 3-4 years - 0.008 g, 5-9 years - 0.01 g, 10-14 years - 0.015 g. Vicasol should be taken at for 3-4 days in a row, after which a break is taken for 4 days. After a break, the dose is repeated for 3-4 days. The daily dose can be divided into 2-3 doses. Higher doses for adults: single 0.03 g, daily 0.06 g.

A contraindication for the use of Vikasol is increased blood clotting. Before you start taking Vikasol, you should consult your doctor.

Vikasol is available in the form of tablets of 0.015 g.

We conclude that vikasol is an important element in the process of blood clotting, which can be used for various bleeding events. The method of administration and dosage depend on the age of the patient, and the contraindication is increased blood clotting. Vikasol is available in the form of 0.015 g tablets and should only be used after consulting a doctor.